< Daily Devotions

Oh, To Be Wise 1: Finding Wisdom

May 28, 2021

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom,
    and the one who gets understanding… (Proverbs 3:13, NIV)

Many things can make you feel good on the golf course: a big bomb that finds the fairway, a snaking putt that finds the cup, even a recovery shot that finds safety from an unlikely spot. But when it comes to finding, there may be no better feeling than finding your hiding ball in the nick of time before you must declare it lost and take your sour medicine.

We see the idea of finding all over Scripture, from Jacob finding his “dead” son Joseph in the courts of Pharaoh to Jesus’ diligent shepherd finding the lost sheep to the celebration of angels over the repentance of even one lost sinner. “Seek and you will find,” Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount, meaning that God is ready to give us what we need if we prayerfully ask him.

Into this greater context, Solomon, when writing words of instruction to his son—and thereby to all of us who read those words in the book of Proverbs—began by philosophically giving wisdom great due. Indeed, he wrote, “The Lord by wisdom founded the earth” (Proverbs 3:19). No afterthoughts, no coincidences. Rather, ultimately wise design. God acts in wisdom, and it is good.

Maybe wisdom doesn’t often win in the world because you can’t hold it in your hand.But we do not always go after the good things God has to give us. So Solomon made sure his son heard this: Go get that wisdom. It’s better than anything else in life.

Maybe wisdom doesn’t often win in the world because you can’t hold it in your hand. It doesn’t pay the bills like a timely investment or dazzle your friends like a new car. Shoot a great round, maybe even breaking par, and your golf buddies will pat you on the back, pay you more and more compliments with every celebratory drink, and even help convince your spouse that you had good reason to come home late. But dispense a line of true wisdom and you’ll be lucky to get a “Hmm, I’ll have to think about that.” Wisdom doesn’t show up in your bank account—unless…

Unless you view wisdom like God views wisdom. If wisdom means knowing just how to act in the moment by honoring God, respecting others, and keeping the long term in near view, your chances of earthly payoff will increase immensely. You will have many friends and few enemies; you will learn the value of saving and giving over spending and taking. And guess what else? You will be blessed (aka happy), for your heart will be in just the right place. So you, too: Go get wisdom.

Jeff Hopper
May 28, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Oh, To Be Wise 2: Good Advice
Oh, To Be Wise 3: A Tested Heart
Oh, To Be Wise 4: A Guarded Heart
Oh, To Be Wise 5: A Winning Way
Oh, To Be Wise 6: The Right Word
Oh, To Be Wise 7: Loving Discipline
Oh, To Be Wise 8: Equal Before God
Oh, To Be Wise 9: Growing Stronger

Links Players
Pub Date: May 28, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.