< Daily Devotions

Behind LINKS: The Ambassadorial S

April 10, 2018

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ… (2 Corinthians 5:20, ESV)

My older brother “Sonny” was killed while on active duty in the US Air Force when I was a junior at the University of Houston. He was my idol. Taught me golf, basketball, and how to fight. I never thought anyone could take his place. But seven years later God gave me another brother, Doug Coe, a mentor and close friend of 55 years, now in his new residence in heaven.

​Doug was a golf nut, but a true ambassador of Jesus.

In the mid-1960s he asked me to take a trip with him from our homes in Washington, DC, to Denver, Colorado​. He wanted me to meet Jerry Lewis, an oilman​, ardent golfer and member at Cherry Hills Country Club, the site of Arnold Palmer’s final round charge, where he defeated Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklaus for the US Open title.

We met Jerry in the men’s grill at the club for breakfast.

Jerry was a young believer but eager to share his faith with others. I doubt that he knew he was an ambassador for Jesus Christ then. We encouraged him to find a brother to walk with and start a small group at Cherry Hills.

Jerry told us he already had such a brother, Gene Neher, a fellow oilman, who played to a single-digit handicap. Later, after we left the city, Jerry and Gene invited three other friends and began their group of five men.

The group grew.

Soon there were more than a dozen coming to their weekly breakfast. They divided into two groups which grew quickly. Within a few months, four groups had begun. Then​, ​like an Idaho forest fire, other clubs in the city formed fellowships.

Within the decade, more than 2,000 men were meeting in small groups at clubs in greater Denver.

​Jerry and Gene and their Cherry Hills group became ambassadors of Jesus to both the powerful​ ​and the poor and needy of Denver. They also reached out to high school kids.

​Jerry and Martha Dell’s home bordered the Cherry Hills course off Downing Street. As years passed and the work with the golfers grew to include men in business, government, and education, Jerry and Martha decided to give their home to a foundation that would spread the love of Jesus throughout the city, state, nation and the world.

All of us who follow Jesus are ambassadors of the King of heaven, “entrusted with the Good News” (1 Thessalonians 2:4, NLT).

​Doug and Jerry were great examples of men who took seriously both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Both were committed to disciple a few, beginning with themselves. In this, they fulfilled the S of LINKS: Share Christ through the great game of golf.

I need to ask myself, how am I doing in my responsibility as Jesus’ ambassador today? Is there some action Jesus would have me take in reaching others with the Good News of our Savior?

Jim Hiskey
April 10, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Behind LINKS: The Big L
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Links Players
Pub Date: April 10, 2018

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.