< Daily Devotions

Bringing Up Others

March 12, 2018

You heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. (2 Timothy 2:2, NLT)

The game of golf has been a blessing to me over the years. The one area that has brought the greatest joy is to be involved in other lives and to see them advance in the game at varying levels.

The first of these was with my son, Craig, who had a fine high school and collegiate career. He later took his turn at golf professionally before he launched into his current calling.

As a high school golf coach for better than 12 years, I have been involved with young people who have taken their game to the next level. Of course, a big part of that is them taking personal responsibility for their own game. I would never be so arrogant as to feel that these young people are where they are because of me. Yet helping them to set goals, developing their work ethic, and teaching them to stay focused on the goal is what coaching is all about. Incidentally, I take great joy in knowing these young men have, in the past, and are, in the present, competing at a high collegiate level. They have elevated their games and are benefiting from the rewards of their sacrifice and hard work.

However, the greater mission for us as believers in Jesus Christ is to make disciples in obedience to his commands as found in Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). Making disciples is much like being a coach.

Making disciples begins with finding someone who will commit to the journey. When one’s life has been transformed by the redeeming work of Christ, it is only the beginning. A coach will need to come alongside and impart the primacy of the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). Next, it is important to communicate the absolute necessity of a life lived in accordance to the Word of God. Then, learning the value of community and accountability with other believers can make the difference in succeeding or being swallowed up by the enemy of our souls, who is always on the prowl seeking our destruction.

It is absolutely imperative that every new believer have a coach at the early stages of their spiritual development. In golf, players seek out teachers, swing coaches, etc., as their career develops. So it is with believers over a lifetime that there will come many different people used by God to make us productive for his kingdom.

Many who play golf find that it can captivate their attention. Usually, this passion for the game came from a trusted mentor.

Jesus developed the master plan of discipleship hundreds of years ago. It is a simple concept that has proven to work effectively. Once we have been discipled, we are expected to disciple another. One-on-one discipleship is God’s way of changing the world. We do it one person at a time.

Nothing will bring you a greater thrill or joy than to see someone take their spiritual life to the next level.

Larry Dublanko
March 12, 2018
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The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: March 12, 2018

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