< Daily Devotions

Even You

March 1, 2018

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16, NIV)

Exclusive is a term applied to many upscale golf courses. You must be a member in good standing to play there. If you are not, you are not welcome unless you come at the invitation of a member who has paid the price of membership. Exclusivity by definition means that some people won’t be allowed in.

This is in stark contrast to the invitation of Jesus to all who want to enter the kingdom of God. It does not take wealth, status, or good golf skills to enter the kingdom. Whoever believes in Jesus can be a member of his kingdom.

What incredibly good news! It means that all of us who are not rich in earthly wealth can come; if we have messed our life up and are in prison, we are not excluded from his invitation; if we are sick or dying, we can still come in. No one is excluded—for any condition they find themselves in.

Better still, we cannot be so deep in sin that God does not offer us a way out. Our waywardness and obstinance can be redeemed; even “the greatest of sinners” can receive forgiveness from Christ.

Neither do we have to be spiritual giants or learned biblical scholars. We don’t have to be eloquent speakers or profess stories of success or testimonies of overcoming. Jesus called blessed all those who are poor in spirit. We are welcome to come even if we know nothing about spiritual things.

We don’t have to have our ducks in a row to come to Jesus. We are welcome if we are a total mess. Jesus said he came to save and heal the sick. Those who are well don’t need a doctor—but those who are sick certainly do. We all, no matter how put-together we might appear, need a Savior.

Jesus invites us to live in his kingdom. It is open to all who would believe and trust in him. In it we will find our true home and identity.

Every one of us was designed by God for a purpose that will satisfy our deepest longings. That purpose can only be discovered by trusting in God and entering the kingdom. Everyone is welcome. The only reason anyone won’t enter the kingdom is if they choose not to. Jesus says, “Come in if you will. Trust me; in me is everything you will ever need.”

Linda Ballard
March 1, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: March 1, 2018

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.