< Daily Devotions

How Russell Henley Finished Second And Won.

August 28, 2023
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I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”  (John 16:33, ESV)

Sometimes we watch professional golfers to enjoy their amazing skills, like Bubba Watson from the woods at the Masters in a playoff. Wow!

Sometimes we watch the pros for their short game. Here’s what I’ve learned: they are very good around the greens, even using a variety of styles — hands, no hands, cross-handed, you name it.

But sometimes we watch because we are a fan of a certain player, and yesterday (as I write), I spent a lot of time watching one of my favorite players, Russell Henley.

Russell has been a guest at Tales from the Tour in Phoenix twice, so I’ve had the chance to meet him and hear his story. I love his spirit and game, so I was heartbroken when he went from T1 with three holes left to T2 at the finish.

Not as much as him, but I felt it.

With Henley leading through 69 holes, storms came, and play stopped for over an hour. Coming back out in the rain, his tee shot to the par three 16th hit the green, backed up down a false front, and stopped in a divot the size of Cleveland. Bogey.

On 17, he hit a bullet from the right rough to the par four, but it hit a bank of grass in front of the green and buried deep enough that he used a tee to dig it out for identification.

Turns out it was in someone else’s pitch mark, not his own, so no relief was given. A full swing from ten yards off the green barely got the ball on. Bogey.

Those were two of the worst “rub of the green” bad breaks in a row I’ve ever seen.

And Russell Henley didn’t complain, didn’t put his hands on his hips, or even shake his head.

It was an outstanding display of class and grace, the likes of which are sadly rare.

I’m sure Russell Henley knows the verse quoted above, and I hope it gave him some peace. Perhaps it will help you one day when you get a bad break, whether on a golf course or in a doctor’s office.

Russell’s golf game is awesome, but his character is off the charts. Copy that.

Father, Jesus said we’d have tribulation in this world, and we do. But he also said he has overcome the world and that we should “take heart.” Help us to do that so that those around us will see you. Through Jesus, Amen

Lewis Greer
Pub Date: August 28, 2023

About The Author

Lewis Greer, the author of Getting to Scratch, serves Links Players as the Arizona area director. He’d like to help you start a Links Fellowship.

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