< Daily Devotions


July 6, 2023
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But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard; keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come. (Mark 13:32-33,ESV)

Wyndham Clark. If you aren’t a fan by now, then jump on the train. Wyndham gallantly won his first PGA Tour victory in early May. A long time coming and a lot of work in between. Six weeks later, he rose to the challenge again, winning the 2003 US Open. Wyndham has persevered through loss, depression, anger, and frustration.

Three years ago, Wyndham was a wrecking ball. His caddy, John Ellis, and former college coach gave him an ultimatum – change your attitude or quit golf. Wyndham listened and started a new path.

He shifted his attitude, got help, and surrounded himself with people who gave him reason to believe again. A player never knows when their breakthrough is coming. Wyndham’s time has arrived.

The Biblical narrative carries a host of storylines where God’s people stumbled through one hardship after another, but through perseverance and staying faithful, day in and day out, God brings them through to something new. This something new doesn’t always match what they (or we) thought it should be. What is consistent is that the glory goes to God alone.

Take Joseph, Jacob’s son, for example. Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his sons. With a pop of arrogance in his step, Joseph stirred up friction among his brothers. You can read the entire story in chapters 37 through 50 in the book of Genesis.

Here’s a snippet of what Joseph experienced: thrown into a pit, sold into slavery, accused of adultery, thrown in prison, re-enters the service of Pharaoh, prepared Egypt for the great famine, his brothers come asking for help, Joseph tests them, Joseph forgives and rescues his father and entire family from famine.

Twenty years after being thrown into a pit to die, God lifted Joseph to hold the most powerful position in Egypt. I wonder what cycles of unbelief and heartbreak Joseph experienced during that time. Did he want to quit? Was he angry at God? What was his attitude really like on those days in the damp prison?

We may not be the person who wins the US Open or saves an entire nation, but we are a part of this really big God story, and we have a role to play. Are you struggling with your purpose? Are you angry at God? Is your attitude dragging you through the mud?

Be encouraged today that you are not alone and that God does care about all the details you are experiencing. Explore Joseph’s story to help nudge your attitude upward. Look for the shiny pearls of perseverance. Lament with God and share your anger. Be still and listen. God will speak to your heart.

A time is coming when the Lord will return. In the meantime, keep persevering.

Prayer: Lord, some days are just plain hard. Help me to persevere. Help me keep my attitude in a positive direction. Help me be on guard and be awake to where you are working in and through me.

Tracy Hanson
Pub Date: July 6, 2023

About The Author

Tracy Hanson has been on staff with LPI since 2015. She is a LPGA Tour professional (1995-2009). She spends her time ministering to golfers and to people suffering harm (via Tracy Hanson Initiative). She lives in Michigan and supports all of the Links Players region directors.

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