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Keep Moving Forward

June 13, 2023
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But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26, ESV)

Have you ever been “stuck” in your downswing? If so, you should congratulate yourself because getting stuck is usually a good player’s problem.

Tiger Woods fought “getting stuck” and talked about it a lot. He might have coined the phrase, for all I know, though I doubt it. We golfers rarely have new problems, just new variations of old problems.

Now that I’ve set myself up properly, getting stuck is something I’ve done in far too many golf swings. I don’t recommend it.

Getting stuck happens on the downswing when your trail elbow gets “stuck” behind your trail side. You’ll then be forced to swing out and flip your hands to save the shot.

(That explanation was the result of hours of research I did on YouTube for your benefit. You’re welcome.)

How do you stop getting stuck? Let your body swing your arms, your arms swing your hands, and your hands swing the club. In short, keep moving.

That is what Lot’s wife didn’t do – she didn’t keep moving. Her feet paused; she turned, looked back, and got stuck. Permanently.

One author says, “Lot’s wife was in a place she should have been passing through, and she got stuck.” Has that ever happened to you?Perhaps God has you on a path to safety, or a path to healing, or a path to service, and you are going. Like Lot and his family, you may not be the most willing traveler, but you are going.

Lot’s wife, though, seemed to miss the place she had been and decided to take one last look. That was how she got stuck, and it is often how we get stuck.

In life, it is rarely some outside force that causes us to get stuck. It is our preference for the past and a fear of the future that makes us look back in longing.

To hit a golf ball well, keep your body and arms and club moving on the right path. In your life, keep your feet moving on the path where God is guiding you. Step-by-step works, and you’ll never get stuck.

Prayer: Father, thank you for leading us forward, closer and closer to the place you want us to be. May our desire for you always keep us moving. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lewis Greer
Pub Date: June 13, 2023

About The Author

Lewis Greer, the author of Getting to Scratch, serves Links Players as the Arizona area director. He’d like to help you start a Links Fellowship.

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