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Paul, Timothy, And Barnabas

April 13, 2023
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Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Most people find that they play better when they are playing with golfers more proficient than themselves. I love visualizing what I want to do on the golf course and being in the presence of smooth swings, crisp shots, and great timing in a golf swing.  It elevates my game and helps me concentrate on what I desire to accomplish, not what I am trying to fix. Are you like that too?

I find the same principle at work in my walk with Christ.  It is much easier for me to ‘be holy’ (set apart for God) when surrounded by people who know the Lord well and have a close relationship with him—people who know how to pray and are knowledgeable of God’s word. A godly example in one’s life is a precious gift.

Paul says, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” Of course, the Lord Jesus is always our perfect example, but having someone with ‘skin on’ to shadow is very helpful.  That person can represent our ‘Paul,’ the teacher and mentor to us.

If you don’t have a ‘Paul’ in your life, take a moment to observe others around you whose walk with the Lord you admire. Pray and ask the Lord to show you whom he would place in your life for that role.  They may already be in your Links Fellowship. Then boldly ask that person if they would mentor you.

We need a ‘Timothy’ in our lives as well. This person is one whom we are helping along in their journey of faith. Paul tells Timothy, his son in the faith, “…and the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2)

It is a privilege to be used by God in another’s life, to play a small part in that person’s spiritual growth, and to watch that person learn to pray, grow in God’s word, and minister to others.  Be bold and ask God for someone you can come alongside and encourage in their faith.

And the third person we need in our lives is ‘Barnabas.’  In Acts 4, we learn that his real name was Joseph, but the apostles called him Barnabas, a son of encouragement. Do you have a Christian encourager in your life? Someone who is your cheerleader and holds you accountable?  Someone who loves you enough to tell you the truth and get in your face if necessary?

In whose life are you the Barnabas, encouraging someone else in the Lord as David and Jonathan did for one another?  Ecclesiastes 4 tells us that two are better than one…if either falls, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.

Our walk with the Lord Jesus is individual. But each Christian is also part of the body of Christ. We need one another and have been given gifts to edify one another – to build each other up in the faith. Find that Paul, Timothy, and Barnabas for your walk. And allow God to use you as a Paul, Timothy, and Barnabas for others.

Prayer:  Father God, I ask in the strong name of Jesus that you would direct me to those I need in my life to help me grow in you.

Cheryl Martin
Pub Date: April 13, 2023

About The Author

Before coming to Jesus, golf was all Cheryl Martin did. She now delights in one-on-one discipleship and mentoring to women and teaching the Word. She is a widow with her son, his wife and her three grandchildren close by. Cheryl serves as the Business Manager for Links Players International.

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