< Daily Devotions

Elohim: The Strong And Powerful Creator

April 11, 2023

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1 NIV)

The first sentence of a book is critical in capturing and holding the reader’s attention as the author propels the reader along the path of the story. David Cook’s first line in Golf’s Sacred Journey—”How can a game have such an effect on a man’s soul?” This opening line not only challenges us to reflect on an almost unanswerable question but also teases us that there might be an answer to the question.

One of my favorite golf authors, George Peper, crafted this opening line in Two Years in St. Andrews: “It was a ghastly, careening push-slice—the mongrel of all golf shots—that changed the course of my life.” I was hooked! As an alternative, some authors use names to engage us. We remember Herman Melville’s first sentence in Moby Dick: “Call me Ishmael.”

These openings grab our attention and provide the impetus to continue reading as well as tell us something about the story that is about to unfold.

In the first sentence of the Bible, God introduces himself as “Elohim.”Elohim is the name God uses to reveal his power and creativity to us. Its root is the singular, El, which means the “Strong One.” Elohim conveys several concepts about God: his total power, might, strength, omnipotence, dominion, majesty, sovereignty, and creativity.

In his book, Names of God, Nathan Strong tells us that God reveals himself by “bringing cosmos out of chaos; light out of darkness; habitation out of desolation and life in his image.” In short, he is the strong creator who is the source of everything.

As I ponder God’s creation—everything from billions and billions of galaxies in the universe to the intricacies of a single cell—I experience a varied series of emotions.   On my daily walk I see the beauty of my surroundings—blue skies, sunshine, palm trees, the Santa Rosa mountains, and the green fairways of my favorite golf courses—and I am filled with awe.

I am comforted and reassured when I focus on God’s strength. Whether we are facing adversity, fear, suffering, illness, or loss, we do not have to rely on our strength to survive whatever it is that we’re facing.  Rather, we can call on Elohim’s strength to protect, heal and comfort us.

Beyond the awe and comfort that I experience when thinking about Elohim, I am extremely thankful and filled with gratitude—not only for the creation that I know about or can see and experience—but also for Elohim’s strength that is revealed to us starting with verse 1 of Genesis.

While many writers have tried to pen the ultimate attention grabber in the opening line of their books, none have ever matched the succinctness of God’s opening sentence to us when he reveals his name—Elohim—to us.

Once we know his name, we can experience his strength and power by following his clear command as recorded by the Psalmist: “Be still and know that I am God”. (Psalm 46:10 NIV).

PRAYER – Elohim, thank you for your creation and for revealing your power, might, and strength to us.

Mark Olson
Pub Date: April 11, 2023

About The Author

Mark "Ole" Olson is a retired trial lawyer who serves on the Links Players national board and facilitates a Links Fellowship in La Quinta, California.