< Daily Devotions

Linked Through Growth In The Holy Spirit

March 22, 2023

So that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11, ESV)

The “season” where I live in the Southern California desert is in full swing. Our roads, restaurants, and golf courses are full. The PGA Tour hosted the American Express here in January. The BNP Paribus Open is the 5th largest professional tennis tournament in the world and is happening here this month.

The PGA Tour Champions event will be in town March 24th-26th. The population doubles and grows to more than a million during our “season.”

As you read this, our Staff and Links Players National Board are together for a retreat. I assure you, it is a very rich time of fellowship. We worship, share stories, break bread, plan for the future, and enjoy the power of community. We find time for a bit of golf, too.

Links Players is indeed experiencing a “season” of significant growth. We are seeing today’s verse lived out in real-time. The Father sent his son to redeem the world. God is doing what only the triune God can do. His Spirt is moving in the hearts of men and women. Our staff has increased in numbers. More men and women are quietly being called to join us in our efforts.

New men’s and women’s Links Fellowships are starting nationwide. Existing Fellowships are seeing the number of people attending each week go up. Some Fellowships have become so large that they are splitting to have a more intimate discussion with the questions in our Friday Links Players Devotional study guide. Fellowship leaders often tell us that people in their groups are coming to saving faith in Jesus.

On a personal note, I am experiencing a revival in my own heart. Today’s verse tells us that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess! I am confessing and repenting of the sin in several areas of my life. Many of the people I encounter each day share that they, too, are feeling the Spirit stirring them similarly.

God has been speaking to me through his Word, my circumstances, and the people in my life. Jesus’ work here on earth is finished, and He has returned to the Father. As followers of Jesus, our work here is unfinished. Thankfully, God sent the Holy Spirit to help us in our work. I am praising our God and asking each person reading this to reach out to someone they know and engage them in a conversation about Jesus.

Each Links Fellowship is slightly different, but they all preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What happens in every Links group operating in the power of the Holy Spirit is the same. Namely: Love flows from a pure heart, your conscience is cleansed, and sincere faith increases.

If you are in an existing Links Fellowship, invite someone to join you. If you are not part of a current Links Fellowship and God is calling you to find one or start one, let us know, and we will be more than happy to talk with you.

Prayer:  Lord, help us to connect with someone today. Someone that we need or someone that needs us. May we do this to your Glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen

Marty Jacobus
Pub Date: March 22, 2023

About The Author

Marty Jacobus is the Links Players region director for the California Desert region, as well as the coach for outlying Fellowships around the country.