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Can People Tell?

February 6, 2023
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Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were uneducated, ordinary men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.  (Acts 4:13, ESV)

Parents are particularly adept at recognizing who their kids have been with.

That was true before social media or “find my phone” apps existed. I thought my parents had a superpower, but it wasn’t that. They had a network of friends and a lot of knowledge about me.

On the golf side, a friend who knows your game well can sometimes pull off the same trick. For instance, if you finally start using a pre-shot routine, someone in your group might say, “I see you’ve been with the pro.”

I’ve noticed, by the way, that my game gets better when I’ve been with the pro and worse when I read golf tips. My playing partners can see it too, and they offer to play me for a Coke if I’ve been reading tips.

The difference is that the pro is working with me on my game. Those “tipsters” give advice that will work for some, but not all.

Peter and John had very different personalities. One of them might have done OK with a tip on How to Talk to a Lame Beggar (see Acts 3:1-11), and the other might not.

There may have been a popular tip on How to Speak to Rulers, Elders, and Scribes, but Peter and John didn’t need it. They had been with Jesus, and the rulers, elders, and scribes could see it.

People may like to play golf with you because you have been with the pro and play well, which is a compliment. But it is not as good as people wanting to play golf with you because you have been with Jesus.

Rejoice in that, knowing your game may or may not dazzle, but the light of Jesus in you can always shine.

Prayer: Father, we love Jesus and want people to see him through us for his glory and honor. Help us do that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lewis Greer
Pub Date: February 6, 2023

About The Author

Lewis Greer, the author of Getting to Scratch, serves Links Players as the Arizona area director. He’d like to help you start a Links Fellowship.

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