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Why leave home?

September 6, 2022
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…that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  (Romans 15:6-7, ESV)

“What was your favorite part and biggest takeaway of the week?” Marty Jacobus asked me this question as he drove us to the Denver airport. It was Thursday, and we had both arrived — he from California and I from Arizona — on Sunday evening.

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Don’t tell anyone, but I’m kind of glad they weren’t there in person. Both of them are way better at golf than most of us, and who needs that?
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Between those days, we participated in a national Links Staff Retreat.

With one new Area Director present, another new Director with us on Zoom, and our new National Women’s Ministry Director joining on Zoom, our number had grown since the last meeting.

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m kind of glad they weren’t there in person. Both of them are way better at golf than most of us, and who needs that?

Our time together was longer than a normal Links Fellowship, but it had the same ingredients. We ate together, studied God’s word together, prayed, and played golf together.

Every aspect was incredible. The courses we played were Tour level. The hosts who joined us were gracious and generous beyond measure, the food and accommodations were outstanding, and the Bible teaching was inspiring, insightful, and applicable.

These aspects all flashed through my mind when Marty asked his question about my favorite part and takeaway.

“Easy,” I said, “it was being with these people.”

People are the joy of any Links Fellowship, and that fact was true for this Fellowship as well.

What a joy it is to be with these men and women. They were called by God to the ministry of Links Players and obeyed that call.

All of you who get to experience a Links Fellowship will know what I mean when I say it is worth leaving home to be with people God has called to seek him—even if you have to take a plane to get there.

Most people in Links Fellowships chase the little white ball, but all those who have a relationship with God through Christ chase him.

There is no better pursuit to undertake together.

Prayer: Father, you made us to be together. Thank you for Links, which brings us together as we pursue you. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen

Lewis Greer
Pub Date: September 6, 2022

About The Author

Lewis Greer, the author of Getting to Scratch, serves Links Players as the Arizona area director. He’d like to help you start a Links Fellowship.

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