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Stone of Help

July 21, 2022
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Then Samuel took a stone and set it between Mizpah and Shen, and he named it Ebenezer (stone of help), saying, “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” 1 Samuel 7:12 Amplified

I stared at my twelve-foot putt for par. “Focus. See the line. You can make this,” I uttered quietly. Placing my ball back, I lifted my marker and exhaled. I traced the break with my eyes and felt the speed. The ball tumbled in a smooth roll, breaking slightly right as it dropped into the center of the hole. I gave myself a small fist pump.

I was three-under for my round with three holes to play. After hitting a weak tee shot, followed by a mediocre chip, I felt the familiar stir of doubt and fear. But I remained calm. I focused on what I wanted to do – not on a what if. I went through my routine and gave myself the best opportunity to make the par putt.

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Samuel set up a stone, an ebenezer, so that the Israelites would remember how God helped them.
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My journey back to competitive golf these last five years has not been easy, and while I still have more work to do, I need to stop and celebrate that I won a spot in the upcoming US Senior Women’s Open. The way I managed my emotions, stayed present to each shot, and played to the finish is an ebenezer moment along my journey.

Ebenezer means “stone of help.” Prior to Samuel setting up an ebenezer, the Israelites had suffered defeat at the hands of the Philistines. The people were worshipping idols and God was not happy. Samuel prayed for his people to turn back to the Lord, and when they did, God defeated the Philistines in their sight. Samuel set up a stone, an ebenezer, so that the Israelites would remember how God helped them.

Whether it is a thrilling moment in golf or a highlight in life, it is hard to hold on to goodness and much easier to forget. This happens in our relationship with God too. When life brings unwanted and challenging moments, evil speaks that God doesn’t care, and maybe never did.

I’m not suggesting that life should always be good and easy. Quite the contrary; life is hard. But God established a way to remember where and how he intervened in the past so that our faith has substance to stand on and keep our eyes focused on him…in all things.

Ebenezer moments are times when you know without a doubt that God has intervened in your life. We need to remember when God has shown us wisdom, guidance, and mercy in the past. We may not stack physical stones in the driveway, but we can write it down or share with a friend. Do you have some ebenezer moments that need to be remembered?

I’m thrilled for the opportunity to play in the upcoming US Senior Women’s Open. I’m more inspired by the work the Lord is doing in me, and he happens to be using golf in the process.

Prayer: Lord, help us find ebenezer moments so that our faith can grow deeper and wider. Thank you for being a stone of help in our lives.

Tracy Hanson
Pub Date: July 21, 2022

About The Author

Tracy Hanson has been on staff with LPI since 2015. She is a LPGA Tour professional (1995-2009). She spends her time ministering to golfers and to people suffering harm (via Tracy Hanson Initiative). She lives in Michigan and supports all of the Links Players region directors.

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