< Daily Devotions

Lady Wisdom

July 15, 2022

Listen as wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! She stands on the hilltop and at the crossroads. (Proverbs 8:1)

My new golf novel, Player’s Progress, is supposed to be pedagogical. It simply means to teach.

And one of my primary teaching points is that wisdom is personified as a female in Proverbs. Indeed, I dedicated the book to my mother and wife. The author of Proverbs 31 attributes much of this Spirit-inspired wisdom to his mother: “These are the sayings of King Lemuel, an oracle that his mother taught him.”

The book has two key female voices. One voice is that of a seductress attempting to lure the “son” into a wayward and destructive life (Proverbs 5: 3-6). The second female voice is the voice of God’s wisdom (Proverbs 4: 5-9). Wisdom offers her advice on the 1st and 18th tees. She is a beloved founding member of Hokmah (wisdom in Hebrew) Golf Club.

In this absurd age in which we live, if there is anything we need it’s wisdom, “a wisdom from above.” If we are to understand the ways of the Almighty, we need the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see the world as God sees it. That wisdom is found in Scripture, especially in the book of Proverbs.

In my book, Player’s Progress, I’ve presented the Holy Spirit as a “caddie.” Just as a caddie gives direction, counsel, and encouragement on the course, the Holy Spirit guides the believer through the journey of life. Many times, sometimes without them knowing it, the Holy Spirit speaks to us through others. In my case, it has often been women.

I pondered this on a recent trip to India. It started with Subha and Mumtaj, both age 6, who were introduced to us in 1989 as our “prayer children” at an orphanage. These two beautiful girls agreed to pray for Sue and me every day. They did. Probably still do.

I was later inspired by the wisdom of Mother Teresa in Calcutta on two occasions. On one of these trips we met Esther. I wish you could hear Esther pray. She cannot read or write but boy can she pray! These poor destitute ladies have nothing- except Jesus, his Word, and His Spirit, the Spirit of wisdom.

Our visit was topped off by four wise ladies who approached us with a passionate plea: “You must meet with us over zoom. We want to pray for your country. Our hearts are distressed over America. We have been called to pray for the USA. Please join us??

These are just a few episodes throughout various seasons of my life that the Holy Spirit has moved through women to influence my life. But what about Scripture! Do we see Jesus pouring his Spirit out on women and then using them significantly to advance his purposes?

Jesus Himself chose two women to be among his most important witnesses. He trusted two ladies with eternal truth.

First, the Woman at the Well in Sychar was the first person to hear Jesus say, “I am the Messiah!” (John 4:29). Jesus trusted this wayward woman who would become wise with this Good News.

And then Mary Magdalene found the empty tomb. Jesus spoke her name, so she “found the disciples and told them, ‘I have seen the Lord!’ (John 20:18). The famous eleven (Judas was sadly gone) heard the Good News of a resurrected Lord from a wise woman named Mary!

So much wisdom has been given by our Lord to women. Men, listen up!

Prayer: Lord, you’ve taught us to ask for wisdom. We ask now for the wisdom from above.

Tim Philpot
Pub Date: July 15, 2022

About The Author

Tim is the author of three books, Player's Progress (2022), Judge Z (2016) and Ford's Wonderful World of Golf (2013). For more info, go to www.timphilpot.com.