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Expecting The Unexpected

July 12, 2022
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And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel. (Genesis 3:15, ESV)

When approaching a competitive round of golf, a game plan is important. I recently read where Patrick Cantlay labels each hole at Augusta either red, yellow, or green light. Each color represents varying degrees of risk calling for a specific shot and club selection. The strategy allows for expected misses while minimizing the impact of a less than perfect shots.

It seems expecting the unexpected is key to a successful round on tour. Over the duration, if executed, risk is managed perfectly. Every shot—poor, fair, or good—then works toward a successful end.

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God is always predictable because his motive is always love (1 John 4:8).
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God’s redemptive plan throughout history has always taken into account the risk of the unexpected (humanly speaking). God is always predictable because his motive is always love (1 John 4:8). Human beings on the other hand are predictably unpredictable. Historically our free will has opened the door to a lot of chaos for ourselves, others, and for the world in general. From the beginning, chaos ensued when Adam and Eve attempted to be like God, knowing good and evil. With their free agency came alienation from God, and then dominoes began to fall.

With their ruinous decision, Adam and Eve were left to toil for survival (Genesis 3:17-19), battle each other for control in their relationship (Genesis 3:16), and to carry the weight of their own guilt and shame (Genesis 3:10). Tragically, they then had to watch their sons’ relationship devolve into violent conflict (Genesis 4:8).

The good news is God saw the spiritual demise of man and woman coming all along. He expected the “unexpected.” He fully understood the risk of free will and could see all possible outcomes. Nonetheless, for God the Father, creating and relating to men and women was worth the “risk.” And, he had plans in place when things went awry.

Following Adam and Eve’s catastrophic decision to go their own way, God instantly revealed his predetermined plan for salvation when he spoke to the tempter, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.”

This is a cryptic prophecy. What would later be known as the “protoevangelium,” the first mention of the gospel.  A mystery that would unfold over the coming millennia. God’s pre-planned, plan revealed. From generation to generation there would be conflict between Eve’s line and the forces of darkness in the world. God’s pre-determined effort to recover a lost creation was immediately enacted at the fall with His spoken word; “I will put enmity…”

That enmity would culminate in the dark forces crucifying Jesus on a cross—striking Jesus’ heel. And God’s counter offensive to sacrificially atone for the sins of the world—crushing the devil’s head. Could Adam and Eve have foreseen that their monumental failure would lead to such an incomprehensible act of selfless love and forgiveness on God’s part?

Consider your own choices in life, good. bad, or even ruinous. God saw each decision coming long before you were at a crossroads. He knew the outcome before you made your choice. Your failures were no surprise to God—he expected it. And he has a plan in place—step out in faith, pray, and ask him to reveal it to you.

Prayer: You knew my story before it began, Lord. Reveal to me your plan for my life as you make me more like your son Jesus.

Boo Arnold
Pub Date: July 12, 2022

About The Author

Boo Arnold is a husband and father to a wonderful family, an accomplished actor, and successful business man. Boo also has his MDiv. from Gordon Conwell Seminary. He currently serves Links as Area Director in S. Texas.

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