< Daily Devotions

The Pressure is Off

June 8, 2022
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But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20, NIV)

Teeing off is a lot different when you are allowed a mulligan than in a tournament when every stroke counts.

During the championship at the club where I was a member for years, the first hole had the highest scoring average of all the holes—despite the fact that it was not a difficult hole by design. Obviously, teeing off with the pressure of every shot mattering made a difference.

Most players were accustomed to playing games where they were able to hit a second shot off the first tee if needed or having a partner to bail them out. For the first time all year, they had the increased pressure of a tournament where they actually had to get their first shot in play. It often didn’t work out well.

I believe that most of us go through life believing that we are judged by how we handle every situation in life. We may be judged by family and friends in that way, but that is not the way of Jesus. As a believer in Jesus, we have already been given complete forgiveness for our sins. That truth allows us full access to operate in the kingdom of God.

The purpose of this devotional is to communicate to you that, in Christ, you have been given a life without judgment or restrictions. God wants you to know that you have been given all rights to represent him and his kingdom as an ambassador. He has taken all the pressure off. You don’t have to perform for his love, affection, or approval. He sees you as a saint.

This thought may be a revelation to some because many churches today fail to emphasize our kingdom citizenships and the privileges that come with it. We are not typically reminded that we are saints, his messengers, and Christ’s ambassadors.

Jesus has turned off the Fasten Seatbelt sign. [Ding] “You are now free to move about the kingdom.”

Paul followed today’s verse with this promise about Jesus, “who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body” (Philippians 3:21). Jesus is already in the process of transforming us into the victorious people that we will fully be one day. He wants us to know that there is nothing more you have to do to receive it fully. The pressure is off!

Prayer: Father, please help me realize that the pressure is off me to earn heavenly status. Help me to see and understand your kingdom more fully.

Josh Nelson
Pub Date: June 8, 2022

About The Author

Josh Nelson represents Links Players in the Southeast, residing and working in the Atlanta area with his wife and two boys. In addition to leading several weekly Links Fellowships and supporting the other Fellowships in the area, Josh facilitates leadership and discipleship training for organizations and individuals, and has recently published his first book.

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