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Life Lessons

May 10, 2022
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When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. (1 Corinthians 13:11, NASB)

My hero growing up in Texas was Ben Hogan. I even touched him once on his way to the 18th tee during the Colonial in Ft. Worth. I wanted to play like him so much that I started smoking L&M cigarettes, just like him.

As we get older, our priorities and preferences should change with wisdom. Now I just want to two-putt from 40 feet. Getting it up and down is a highlight. Now I simply love being with friends on a golf course in 74-degree weather with a gentle breeze out of the southeast, preferably blowing from right to left.

As we age, we begin to understand what is most important. I love the real-life stories I glean from others in our Links Fellowships as we travel God’s sacred journey.

One of those stories was told during a local Links Fellowship at this prestigious club near Dallas. A 90-year-old man was the primary caregiver for his 91-year-old wife. His wife tripped and fell on the floor in the early morning hours. She was not badly hurt, but he could not pick her up no matter how hard he tried. So, he retrieved her pillow and a blanket and tucked her in on the floor. Then he got his pillow and blanket and snuggled up with her. A few hours later, she was able to get up, and he could comfort her as they had done for each other over the past 65 years.

Another friend made a beautiful observation as we studied the Links Players study guide that week. The lesson was about serving Christ at any age. He surmised that as we get older, we can get better at loving our Heavenly Father without all the time constraints and pressures of making a living and raising a family. We can spend quality time with him as we snuggle up and listen to his leading. My friend said, “When I was young, I wanted to be a warrior for Christ. Now, I just want to spend more time with my Daddy.”

Consider a weary traveler struggling up the steep road of life to the Celestial City shining in the distance above. An angel approached the traveler along the way, and the traveler asks, “How much longer?” The angel responds, “All day. From morning to night; from birth to death.”

The weary traveler smiles and acknowledges the angel. Then, he turns his gaze upward toward his destination and continues the slow climb along the narrow way. The traveler remarks, “Well then, I will be more and more tired, but I will be closer and closer to Thee!”

We learn valuable life lessons along the way of life. We may get tired, but we are also getting closer and closer to God. Thank you, Jesus.

Closing prayer – Dear Lord, give us the strength for the steps ahead that You have ordained. You allow us to make our journey one step at a time.

Pub Date: May 10, 2022

About The Author

Randy Wolff served for many years as a Links Players region director. Now retired, he has experience as a PGA Tour professional, businessman, and family man.

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