< Daily Devotions

Jeff is Still Being Useful

December 31, 2021

For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (Romans 14:8, NASB).

Jeff Hopper, our beloved, went Home to see Jesus on September 23, 2021. His magnificent gifts will be missed by all who love this golf ministry. He has been the man for 21 years. I also declare that his influence, teaching, and vision will continue to be used by God for our benefit and His glory. He is a man that I have elevated to be on my Mt. Rushmore of faith. Oh, how I loved that man and his consistency in living life.

So how do you describe him in the limited space available for this devotional? I loved his honesty and forthrightness. You always knew where you stood with him. One time I was playing golf with Jeff, and I hit an awful shot that flew 40 yards to the left of the green. While the ball was still in flight, I heard Jeff exclaim, “Wow, that was horrible. Where did that come from?” Really?

I have never known anyone in ministry or in the business world that was as gifted in both vision and administration, all in the same person. He knew how to manage details and grammatical issues. He also could articulate the vision for the future. I witnessed this for 16 years during staff and board meetings. Just as I typed those words, I winced—would Jeff capitalize both Staff and Board? It is a beautiful thing to see a man flourishing in his calling.

“It is not me. It is the Holy Spirit working through any of us. He loans us the time and the talent. All glory to God. Now go to work.”He was a gifted Bible scholar, teacher, and communicator. Can you imagine preparing and writing and editing daily devotionals five days a week for 21 years? The results were always fresh, relevant, and instructive. I asked him once how he managed to do all of this, and he looked at me like that was a dumb question. He said, “It is not me. It is the Holy Spirit working through any of us. He loans us the time and the talent. All glory to God. Now go to work.”

Have you ever wondered how men and women who possess such biblical knowledge like Jeff Hopper and Jeff Cranford continue to educate and inspire? Have you ever wondered how they know exactly where to look in the Bible to illuminate a topic of conversation? First, they have a beautiful mind, but they also work at it constantly. It never gets old for them. Their priority and calling become their life. Jeff cherished his God, his wife, his family, and also his ministry. God blesses those who get this priority in the right sequence. Jeff got it right.

Now a story. Jeff always knew I would tell a story. Alex, a young man on the University of Kentucky golf team, loved his teammate Cullen—a beloved friend who had just died of cancer at the age of 21. Alex asked Cullen’s parents if he could use Cullen’s golf bag for the upcoming tournament. They consented. Alex won the tournament, the first one he had ever won in college. The interviewer on the Golf Channel asked Alex if he thought Cullen helped him win from his place in Heaven. His response was beautiful, “Why would you not think so? Just because Cullen is in Heaven does not mean that he would cease to be useful. I felt his presence with me all day.” It must bring Jeff joy to know his legacy lives on in all of us. We are a product of his work and calling.

Randy Wolff
December 31, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at Links Players

Photo by gustavofrazao from iStock

Links Players
Pub Date: December 31, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.