< Daily Devotions

God Heals

August 9, 2021

“For I am the LORD who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26, NLT)

It looks like COVID-19 is running rampant again across the globe. I contracted the virus late last year, maybe from a fellow golfer who didn’t know he was positive with the disease. There are many things we want to catch from fellow golfers like a great golf swing or a mental tip or putting tip, but not COVID!

I was being safe by driving in a separate golf cart and trying to keep a six-foot separation, but—can I be honest?—after the round, I sat at a table with my friend, chatting about Links Players and golf. It was a fun and great time of fellowship. But unfortunately I caught COVID, either here or somewhere else. My wife and son, who live with me, then got it.

For two weeks I had to stay isolated. I thank God for my wife and daughter-in-law, who cared for all of our family during this difficult and challenging period. The Scripture verse I held onto tightly was Exodus 15:26, our verse for today. Its truth is simple: God heals.

Now my father, who is 85 years old, has contracted COVID. Thank God I was nearby to take him to the emergency room at the local hospital. My father is a very active. He bowls 3-4 days a week, yet he was struck by this nasty disease. We have been praying diligently for his healing from the Lord—praying for wisdom for the doctors. This disease has so many different symptoms, and the one thing I know is I can’t change anything. But God is good and he can heal my dad if he chooses.

Just like your golf swing is put to the test every time you tee it up, your faith will be put to the test every time you get out of bed in the morning.
I would like to encourage you today, because life-threatening illnesses, like other hardships, can challenge our faith. When I was going through COVID myself, there were times I would ask God, “Where are you? Help me get through this pain!” I would read his word, listen to his word via audio and worship music. Still, there were times when I felt like dying.

God is all-knowing and it is his call when he decides to bring us home, but until then he will be faithful and strong enough to get us through the challenges he gives us. He may even give us opportunity in these lowest moments to share the good news of Jesus with friends and loved ones. And they may finally hear us because they see that God is our Savior even in this trouble.

Just like your golf swing is put to the test every time you tee it up, your faith will be put to the test every time you get out of bed in the morning. Who knows what the day will bring? You may only stub your toe, but you might fall flat on your face! That’s why we need Jesus. It’s by our faith in him that we will get through the world’s challenges. Are you willing to trust him and believe he can carry you through?

Dereck Wong
August 9, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Links Players
Pub Date: August 9, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.