< Daily Devotions

Doing Your Best

June 10, 2021

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15, ESV)

During the Sunday telecast of the US Women’s Open, the announcers chatted about how professional athletes (especially golfers) are taunted with labels like underachiever. They were talking about Lexi Thompson, who at the time had the lead of the most highly regarded event in women’s golf. An elusive trophy she so badly wanted to have in her collection. Meanwhile, let me remind you that Lexi has 11 wins, including a major title, in her young 26 years of life.

There was a time when Jesus sent out his disciples two by two (Mark 6:7) and they had great success. And then there was a day when these same men felt dejected at not being able to cast out a demon when Jesus had to do it himself (Matthew 17:19). Did they underachieve? Or was it not theirs to do that day?

When my performance-based storyline and perfectionistic personality collide, I struggle with feelings of underachievement. The successful days hide behind a dense fog, while the highlight reel of my failures floods the movie screen. These moments come less frequently, but it is still the reality of most high-level performers.

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul encouraged him, and us today, to do our best, to stand beside God, and feel approved.
I believe we can get into a similar rut spiritually. We see, hear, or read, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:18). Yes…and there are different and unique ways that each one of us are to walk out this commandment. Some are pastors who teach God’s word. Others write and tell stories that bring to life his created world. Business leaders shape and grow other leaders. Counselors, teachers, parents, medical professionals, construction workers, and so many other roles bring the goodness of God and his kingdom to our world.

Some days we feel successful and other days we fall short. It is OK. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul encouraged him, and us today, to do our best, to stand beside God, and feel approved. Does this mean we have to be perfect every day? I don’t think so.

The Greek word for best in this passage means to be diligent, earnest, or eager, to strive. I’m very confident that Lexi was striving for a different outcome for her Sunday at the US Open. The tournament was hers to win and she struggled at the end.

The reality is that we are never in control of the outcome for any day of our life, whether it be our golf score, health, financial success, or relational success. The one thing we can be in control of, however, is to be diligent and earnest and eager every day.

This isn’t a message about how to do good works. Rather, it’s a message to create space to do what is only yours to do for today—whether it be work, play, or rest.

Tracy Hanson
June 10, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.


Links Players
Pub Date: June 10, 2021

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.