< Daily Devotions

Oh, To Be Wise 8: Equal Before God

July 16, 2021

Rich and poor have this in common: The LORD is the Maker of them all. (Proverbs 22:2, NIV)

Lists. They’re everywhere. Top 10, Top 20, Top 100. Restaurants, books, movies, songs, golf courses. Somehow we’ve managed to make most everything a competition. Or a debate.

On the golf side of things, though, I’ve played a whole lot of places, and you probably have, too. Some are in the woods, some along the shore. Some have severe greens, others deep bunkering. Some charge $12 to play, others $500. And plenty won’t let you play there at all unless you know a member. There’s no such thing as “all things being equal” when it comes to comparing golf courses.

Honestly, it’s hard to even speak of equality out in the open these days. It’s like striking a match to dry tinder.

But what does the God’s word say of equality? Is God for it or against it?

Let’s start with today’s proverb, which speaks of the rich and the poor. It instantly assumes an inequality in the world, that some have more money than others, sometimes much more. But then it turns just as fast to equality: rich and poor have something in common. What is it? They were made by God.

Back in Mama’s womb, we were known only by God, and we sought neither to establish our advantage or leverage it.Perspective often works like this. It comes by way of complete reduction. Let’s go back to our beginnings. If you’re better than me in one way and I’m better than you in another, it hasn’t always been like that. Back in Mama’s womb, we were being formed as God would have us, without our silly claims to superiority in wealth or intellect or musicianship or vision. Back in Mama’s womb, we were known only by God, really, and we sought neither to establish our advantage or leverage it.

God’s word looks at life this way often. In Scripture’s written context, men and women did not have equal opportunity, some were masters and some were slaves, and when Jesus walked among his people, the Romans were the power brokers, while the Greeks influenced the culture. Democracy and rights were seized and surrendered. Into this arena, the apostles wrote of a greater truth: Christ makes us one, no matter our background or our present standing. Not equal in the world’s eyes, but equal in God’s. You have to go all the way back to remember that, perhaps, but it’s vital to seeing things rightly from any direction.

Jeff Hopper
July 16, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Oh, To Be Wise 1: Finding Wisdom
Oh, To Be Wise 2: Good Advice
Oh, To Be Wise 3: A Tested Heart
Oh, To Be Wise 4: A Guarded Heart
Oh, To Be Wise 5: A Winning Way
Oh, To Be Wise 6: The Right Word
Oh, To Be Wise 7: Loving Discipline
Oh, To Be Wise 9: Growing Stronger

Links Players
Pub Date: July 16, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.