< Daily Devotions

Celebrate the Lord

September 24, 2020

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble… (Psalm 107:1-2, ESV)

Not long ago, I received a phone call from a former player saying she had just taken her Playing Ability Test (PAT) as a part of the PGA PGM (Professional Golf Management) program. She said, “Coach, I was playing with a man who was a straight energy vampire. He complained after every shot, saying he shouldn’t have made the drive to the course or spent the energy to get there, and it wouldn’t let up. After I played not so well the first 18 holes, I thought of you and remembered that I was driving my own energy bus and I had to choose to find love in the journey. I started thinking about what a great day it was and what I was thankful for and wouldn’t you know, I shot 68. Thank you for your help and helping us work on our mental game.”

That type of aha moment is something that I love hearing about or seeing. This incident was special in its own way, given it was a player who only cracked our lineup once but continuously showed up and worked hard each day. As much as coaches, parents, and co-workers like seeing the dots connect with players, children, or colleagues, I can only imagine the joy it brings to our heavenly Father when we acknowledge the work he has been doing in our hearts and lives.

The simple act of giving thanks has a way of making both people feel joy—one from a heart filled with gratitude and the other feeling honored that in some way their actions or words were impactful.

As tempting as it may be to continuously point out all that is going wrong in the world, may we always remember to humble ourselves and sing praises and thanks to the one who is always right and always in control.Giving thanks may feel small, but it is an act of worship that we can show to our Creator and Savior. When you step into the sanctuary (or maybe these days tune in online), I encourage you to remember that you are there to worship God. Does this seem obvious? Maybe, but so often distractions get involved: the ambience feels awkward, or there aren’t enough hymns for your liking, or the lights are too dim, or your neighbor sings painfully. Still, the songs are meant to serve as an opportunity to draw our attention to the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present God of the universe.

Apart from church gatherings, we can also have our own mini-worship sessions in our cars, homes, or outside, where we sing the praises of our great God and King. As tempting as it may be to continuously point out all that is going wrong in the world, may we always remember to humble ourselves and sing praises and thanks to the one who is always right and always in control.

Recall the newfound hope you had when you first heard the gospel or when you were reading the Bible and a certain text jumped off the page at you. There is always something to give thanks for, and I will start with the acknowledgement that I have a God who loves me and sent his Son to die for me. I am redeemed, and that is worth a shout of praise and thanksgiving every day!

Aimee Neff
September 24, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Image by Aaron Cabrera from Pixabay

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: September 24, 2020

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