< Daily Devotions

Wow! Wow!

September 14, 2020

“They were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” (Mark 1:22, NASB)

Please forgive me in advance for the shameless name-dropping and self-aggrandizing nature of my story today, but I want to share a fun memory. I had the privilege of playing nine times in what is now the PNC Father/Son Challenge. The first time I played, I was only a 20-year-old college student and was paired with Lee Trevino and his son Tony in the final round. We were playing a par-4 dogleg right around a tall pine and a lake on our inward nine. 

Tony and Lee hit first and took the conventional route left of the tree and lake down the fairway as the hole was designed. I chose a different line and hit what was probably my best drive of the tournament, fading it over the top of the tree and the corner of the lake much closer to the green. As my ball was midair, one of the fans standing next to the tee box exclaimed, “Wow! I would have never thought of taking that line.” Then Mr. Trevino, with his quick wit, replied, “And sir, that is why you are on that side of the ropes.”

I still laugh at that line. I cannot help but remember with pleasure one of my rare “wowing” moments.

Speaking of wowing the gallery, 32 times in the Gospel accounts of Jesus, the writers mention how his listeners and onlookers were amazed with him. Whether it was his parents’ amazement by what was prophesized about him by Simeon at his circumcision, or the wonder of his disciples, the large crowds, the well-trained teachers of the Law, or even the governor, Pilate, Jesus never ceased to amaze.

Scripture tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). If that is the case, then he should still be amazing us today. I hope this happens for you often. However, it is far too easy for us to lose or forget our amazement with Christ—if we ever had it at all.

If you are impressed by Tiger Woods’ stinger or a monstrous Bryson DeChambeau drive, then you should play a few rounds with Jesus.
For this reason, I encourage people often to spend time reading the Gospels over and over to get to know Jesus better as a person. He is so much more than a religious icon. Granted, he is the foundation of our faith. Acknowledging him as Lord and Savior is of great significance, but that is just where our amazement begins.

For starters, he has the most brilliant mind. His thoughts are amazing, even the ones he has about you. You should hear what he says about you! 

He is quick to listen and slow to anger, which makes him the best friend one could ever have. He will laugh with you and cry with you. He gives great advice and direction, but he never condemns you when you don’t take it. He’s just right there ready to extend grace and mercy.

As for a teacher, Wow! But it is not just his lectures. Get this: He doesn’t count the grades of the tests we fail! He just throws them in the trash and says, “Let me help you with that; this is one of my specialties.” Then he has the audacity to promise to make you become like him if you are willing to let him train you (Luke 6:40). Amazing!

If you are impressed by Tiger Woods’ stinger or a monstrous Bryson DeChambeau drive, then you should play a few rounds with Jesus. That guy has got all the shots! 

Josh Nelson
September 14, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Links Players
Pub Date: September 14, 2020

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