< Daily Devotions

Comparison Is The Thief of Joy

September 7, 2020

Oh, don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare say that I am as wonderful as these other men who tell you how good they are! Their trouble is that they are only comparing themselves with each other and measuring themselves against their own little ideas. What stupidity! (2 Corinthians 10:12, TLB)

Let’s start with a golf analogy. Do you ever compare your golf game with others? Are you envious or do you gloat? I have a good friend who compares himself with himself. Most times when we finish the round and fist bump each other, he hangs his head low and laments, “I can play better that this. I just never do.”

Now I’ll add a personal confession from my days playing on the PGA Tour some 115 years ago. Most of the time I had no joy in looking at the leaderboard. Inevitable comparisons and lack of self confidence abounded. My good friend, a Links Player now, and past British Open Champion, Bill Rogers, loves to tell everyone, “Yeah, Wolff was on the leaderboard. The problem was that when they were putting up the ‘f,’ they immediately started taking down the ‘R.’” That is supposed to be funny.

I love today’s verse from The Living Bible. It mocks those who compare themselves with others and even uses the S-word!

Others are telling us how good they are and posting the greatest of what they do. Comparison will always lead us down the wrong trail, as we constantly strive to stay with those who tell us they have it all together. Trust me on this one. I have had the privilege to study the Bible with real men in small groups for the last 15 years. I can assure you: We all have some issues. No exceptions. We all need help and a hand up. We all should strive for more contentment. Maybe that is why we always keep coming back to the Bible study for another lesson in wisdom and humility.

I wish we could see ourselves as God sees us. He sees us as forgiven, righteous, being sanctified, and capable through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

I not only believe this; I have experienced this. We are needy souls in need of second chances. Maybe we should compare our needs instead of our assets. Yet again, that is not fair. We are not sizes to be measured, but souls on a journey to enlightenment and understanding. The more I understand, the more I realize I need more help. John the Baptist says, “He must be increase, but I must decrease” (John 30:30, NASB).

God doesn’t compare us with others. He stretches us to become better by our understanding of how flawed we really are. I wish we could see ourselves as God sees us. He sees us as forgiven, righteous, being sanctified, and capable through the gift of the Holy Spirit. He started a good work in us, and he is perfecting that life right now. He thinks we can do all things with his help. He sees us as a son or daughter who loves being with him as we show up each day for guidance and direction. Imagine the Lord of the universe thrilled that we would want to spend time with him. He loves us so much that he is preparing a place for us right now, where life will literally go on forever with no comparison, just compassion and community.

Anne Lamott says, “Everyone is screwed up, broken, clingy, and scared, even the people who seem to have it more or less together. They are much more like you than you would believe. So try not to compare your insides to their outsides.”

John Mason wrote a book entitled You’re Born an Original, Don’t Die a Copy. We are unique and gifted in the body of Christ for a purpose. Don’t imitate or compare your role with others. Tony Evans says, “Be original. God smiles as he sees you become who he intended you to be.” 

There is no one else in this world like you. For best results, stay close to the Manufacturer.

Randy Wolff
September 7, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Fares Hamouche on Unsplash

Links Players
Pub Date: September 7, 2020

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