< Daily Devotions

Toward Righteousness

July 14, 2020

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3, NIV)

“Blind guides.” These were the words Jesus chose to depict the Pharisees, who had no relationship with God yet had positioned themselves to lead others in spiritual matters.

“Blind guides.” These are the same words we could use for that humorous scenario we often see at the practice range, where a guy who has been playing for a month gives “lessons” to his buddy who has been playing for a week. Golf was never meant to be a DIY endeavor, but it’s also not a good idea to bypass the professionals when it comes to building a foundation in the game!

Collecting knowledge about how to play golf is no different than collecting knowledge in any other arena. It takes time. Lots of time. But in the beginning it’s always best to get help from someone who really understands the subject and can give you good basic footing on which to stand. In fact, we would call this search for best practices wisdom.

Recently, theologian Carl Ellis, Jr. tweeted, “Information is not knowledge, nor is knowledge the same as understanding; all three are necessary for wisdom.”

If we are relying on God, it is his wisdom we have to share; we can be confident in speaking up.Wisdom is the topic of our day. In the prophetic chapters of the book named for him, Daniel received a long revelation from a “man dressed in linen, with a belt of finest gold around his waist.” Further descriptions suggest that this was an angelic visit, and the voice Daniel heard from this man sounded like a multitude.

What the angel told Daniel has been unpacked and debated for centuries by some of the smartest theological minds in the world. But in the midst of those hard-to-interpret sections, we read today’s verse, which is a paean of wisdom and a call to give it away.

As when sharing anything, we do best to be humble, because we are imperfect messengers. But this does not mean we should keep silent. If God has allowed us to accumulate information, knowledge, and understanding, then we have been blessed with wisdom. And if we are relying on him, it is his wisdom we have to share; we can be confident in speaking up.

One more thing you need to know before we go today: God’s wisdom always encompasses God’s righteousness. That’s the other half of this promise. We will shine like stars if we lead others to righteousness. I know, this might mean some “uncomfortable” conversations, but what is important to remember is that we live beyond the confines of Daniel’s Old Testament reality. The Messiah has come. We have the gospel, the wonderful news that Jesus Christ has died for our sins and risen again to give us life. When we lead others to Jesus—the lover of our souls—we are leading them wisely and we are leading them to righteousness, for the Holy Spirit will indwell them and they will be changed, just as we have been.

Jeff Hopper
July 14, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Links Players
Pub Date: July 14, 2020

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.