< Daily Devotions

Meaningful Work

June 30, 2020

I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8, NASB)

To say that the beginning to this year’s golf season in the Northeast has gotten off to a rocky start would be an understatement. For everyone’s safety, not only were our courses closed for the opening month, but then there were severe limitations asked of us as we finally set out to play.

OK, calling the limitations “severe” is a bit strong, but there are limitations nevertheless. Some of them have had more of an impact than others. I have found it easy to social distance during a round, though I miss being able to walk side by side with those I am playing with. I actually like the gadgets most clubs are now using that enable me to lift my ball out of the hole using my putter. Very convenient. In fact, I do not miss last year’s rule change that allows players to take the flag out or leave it in. Too many needless conversations on the green! I do miss the socializing after a round. To just get in my car and go home within 15 minutes is tough.

The limitation that has the most impact on my game is the “no practice” rule. Showing up at the course no sooner than 15 minutes before my tee time, walking straight up to the first tee, and starting to play with no practice at all is a real shift.  My game has suffered as a result, for I am the type who likes to work through swing issues on the range. Fortunately, at least as golf is concerned, we are now in Phase 2, which enables us to use the putting green and go to the driving range. This past week I have put in some work there, and I am beginning to see some good results. My scores are coming down and my confidence is growing.

There is work that requires a long-term vision for accomplishing the goals set before us. Becoming Christ’s ambassador can be one of those.That is the funny thing about work. Sometimes we get to see immediate results of the work we put in with whatever project we are involved in. Yardwork comes to mind, as does cleaning house. If we are lucky, we put in time on the range and we see our scores come down. But then there is work that requires a long-term vision for accomplishing the goals set before us. Becoming Christ’s ambassador can be one of those. While there are times when we meet someone and they reveal right away that they have an interest in the spiritual side of life, usually relationships take a long time to develop. Even then it is still not clear if the other person is interested in God. If you have many relationships like that, you can tend to wonder if you are having any impact for Christ at all.

Recently I was going through a time of moving in and out of what Tracy Hanson would call “the pandemic fog with periods of motivation and lack of motivation.” Life at that time, for several days in a row, seemed very gray. Then God brought 2 Chronicles 15:7 to mind in a way that only God can do: “But you, be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.”

It is often easy to forget that God is supporting us in all we do, especially if it is for him. He promises, no matter how gray life seems to be, to guide us through our lives.  A word from him seems to do it for me.

Bob Kuecker
June 30, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay

Links Players
Pub Date: June 30, 2020

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.