< Daily Devotions

The Dangerous Couch

June 16, 2020

“In the spring of the year, the time when kings go forth to battle….” ( 2 Samuel 11:1a, RSV)

Under the PGA’s new schedule, springtime is when the kings of the golf world “go forth to battle,” hoping to win majors. Except this year, when they were on the couch.

Springtime is supposed to be a gourmet meal of majors. The Players Championship in March is just an appetizer, followed by an exciting “green jacket salad” at Augusta in April. Then the month of May treats us to a scrumptious meaty main course at the PGA Championship, and finally, we finish springtime with a sweet and delicious US Open dessert.

June 21 ends all the springtime fun and the sweltering dog days of summer begin, interrupted only by the umbrellas and sweater weather of the Open Championship somewhere over the ocean near the Arctic Circle.

Springtime was also when Old Testament kings would “go forth in battle.” The book of 2 Samuel tells the story of how King David personally led his forces into battle. The boy who defeated Goliath became the quintessential warrior king, leading his army to victory after victory. This was not Arnie’s Army. This was real warfare and David led his troops, winning all the majors of his day, solidifying his position as the one and only king of all Israel.

But David’s story takes a sad twist. In one of the most convicting passages in the Bible, we hear that the King sent Joab and the troops to battle, “but David remained at Jerusalem” (2 Samuel 11:1b). He stayed on his couch.

Springtime is nearly over. It is time to confront our reality.“It happened, late one afternoon, when David arose from his couch…” (2 Samuel 11:2a).

What happened? You know the story. He saw Bathsheba. He sent for Bathsheba. He took Bathsheba. He killed her husband.

But David’s sin did not start when he saw Bathsheba. His sin started when “David remained at Jerusalem.” He made a decision to take comfort on his couch. And as it turned out, the couch was more dangerous than the battlefield!

The king’s place was with his men in battle, not a couch of safety.

So, I confess. Like King David and many of you, I have been on my couch more than the battlefield during this springtime. Sadly, I really like it. I had no idea my couch was so wonderful. I was unaware that Netflix and the Golf Channel were available all afternoon.

But springtime is nearly over. It is time to confront our reality. God has called us for a battlefield, mostly for souls around the golf courses. He has told us to “go for it.” But we are now comfortable on the couch, thinking that “laying up” may be safer.

Many phone calls now end with “stay safe.” In other words, stay on your metaphorical couch, “lay up” to be sure all ends well. Avoid all risk.

But now seems like the right time to get off the couch. The couch is not as safe as it looks. In fact, it can be downright dangerous.

The battlefield with God is a safer place than any couch without him.

Tim Philpot
June 16, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Jean van der Meulen from Pexels

Links Players
Pub Date: June 16, 2020

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