< Daily Devotions

‘Yes, and Here Is A Lot More’

December 2, 2019

“Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.” (John 16:24, NASB)

Have you ever prayed on the golf course? No, I am not talking about that noble prayer of asking God to use you to change the world, but what about that immediate prayer of asking God to help you make that slippery eight-footer on the last hole to get out of the trap that you have dug yourself into? Don’t tell me you don’t know what I am talking about. You have been there if you have played golf competitively enough. I pray now for God’s grace that I don’t go there again!

Prayer needs to be believed and done intentionally for an ultimate purpose. We need to set aside a time and a place and use a method that works for us. It is not complicated or complex. The power is not in the words we use or the time spent; the real power is in the one who hears our prayers. God always answers our prayers in one of four ways: 1) No, not yet; 2) No, I love you too much; 3) Yes, I thought you would never ask; and 4) Yes, and here is a lot more!

Unexpected emotion came over me, and I had to stop for a moment. In that instant, I believe I heard God say, “Yes, and here is a lot more.”Serious prayer is a serious matter. It can be a holy moment. I have a good friend who is going through a rough divorce currently. He is not giving up on the marriage. He is depending upon the only One who can heal the marriage. He goes into his closet and turns out the light. In the darkness, he reaches out and cries to God for help. It is his personal war room. When he emerges from his war room, he feels a great sense of relief. He moves on with his day because he knows his Father knows what is best.

Now, I want to get personal and transparent for a moment. I have an example for you of answered prayer. This is not some ivory tower theory or advice from a spiritual giant from years ago. This is happening now in my life.

A few years ago (2016-2017), I prayed frequently about my next steps in the Links Players ministry. I knew I was getting older. I had gentle reminders as I looked in the mirror every day and as I forgot people’s names along the way. I knew I would never leave this ministry, but I wanted so much to pass the baton to others who could run faster and smarter and connect better. Well, God answered those prayers in finding Bill Euler and Drew Hamilton in 2017 and 2018. Bill and Drew now cover the area I was assigned for the past 13 years.

Last month, they asked me to speak at our annual fundraiser in Houston benefiting Links Players in Texas. I looked across the ballroom full of Links Players supporters at lunch that day and smiled. Then I glanced at Bill and Drew. Unexpected emotion came over me, and I had to stop for a moment. In that instant, I believe I heard God say, “Yes, and here is a lot more.” I am so grateful. I will continue to pray for this new leadership to plant seeds and for God to bear the fruit. More fruit—much more fruit. The harvest is plentiful, and now we have some great workers in the field. I’m thanking God for answering my prayer in such a visible way.

Randy Wolff
December 2, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: December 2, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.