< Daily Devotions

13 Who Am I? Complete in Christ

December 13, 2019

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. (Colossians 2:9-10, NIV)

Golf makes you hungry. You’ll hear plenty of discussion these days about the nutrition of athletes, how they eat foods in balance and according to the schedule of their competition. On the course, you’ll see the pros munching a banana or an energy bar—the kinds of foods that keep their body and brain on an even physical and mental keel.

But even for these careful athletes, when the round is over, it’s time to replenish. Some hold to strict diets, while others are less discriminate, but all are looking for a refilling of the calories and nutrients they have just spent.

Life can sap us in many ways. When it does, we look for a return of what we’ve lost to activity or accident, atrophy or attrition.

If reps have a day of calls to make in the field, they need two things: gas in the car and an itinerary to follow.Considering our spiritual life may be a bit different. There will be times here, too, when we are drained by sin or sickness or a lapse in our attention to prayer and Scripture. When this happens, we also need a refilling. But we must ask the question: Can even a “full” Christian need more filling? You might step back and look at some super saints you know and think, Wow, they sure are mature! And yet, in their maturity, they will tell you just how far they still have to go.

Scripturally speaking, the answer to the question of fullness (which is alternatively translated as completeness or perfection) in Christ comes in two parts. First, we have, as Paul wrote to the Colossians, been filled in him. But second, we are not yet complete or perfected.

You might consider this like a good sales rep would. If reps have a day of calls to make in the field, they need two things: gas in the car and an itinerary to follow. The gas powers them from place to place, as Christ does for us by his filling. But the sales route is not complete until the last call has been made.

We are filled by Christ. As he lives in us, he gives us key ingredients of his empowerment: discernment, direction, confidence, humility, a heart of worship and service. But we will drive our route until the day we die, which means there is always more to learn and attain. We might say we are “complete unto the day,” but that we have so much yet to gain before our last day comes, whenever that may be.

Jeff Hopper
December 13, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Other devotions in this series:
1 Who Am I? Created by God
2 Who Am I? Children of God
3 Who Am I? Crucified with Christ
4 Who Am I? Resurrected with Christ
5 Who Am I? Born Again
6 Who Am I? A Witness for Christ
7 Who Am I? A Citizen of Heaven
8 Who Am I? A Fearless One
9 Who Am I? Free in Christ
10 Who Am I? A Victor
11 Who Am I? Gifted for Good
12 Who Am I? God’s Friend

Links Players
Pub Date: December 13, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.