< Daily Devotions

Better Worship

October 1, 2019

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. (Ephesians 3:20, NASB)

I am reminded that golf offers great memories and stories that truly are fun and remarkable. Some need to be shared. So here’s one.

Jeff Hopper may be editing this devotional, but you readers need to know this. Our boy Jeff made a hole-in-one in Scotland while playing with Links legend, Tim Philpot. Jeff wrote a devotion about Tim’s hole-in-one but failed to tell you of his.

Tim Philpot wrote the following because he knew Jeff would not share his enthusiasm with you. Tim writes in the first person as Jeff might have told the story:

It was 119 yards of pure terror, with a 30-mile-an-hour Scottish gale blowing straight right to left with a slight help, all under North Sea rainbows and a stunning view of Brora’s sea and mountains. Bunkers front left and center stared me in the face. The pin was back left, with bunkers beyond the hole as well. Not to mention the wee burn short that ruins many poor souls. I knew I would need to flight the ball down, which I did to perfection, just covering the front right bunker with a majestic ‘knock down’ 9-iron hit in the sweet spot. As the TaylorMade lighted softly on the green, spinning to perfection, it tracked, just as I planned, to the back left position. ‘GO IN’ I found myself saying, while my opponent Philpot kept surprisingly quiet, secretly hoping, I suppose, that it would plug in the front bunker. As the wind and the slope moved the orbit to its final destination, the ball disappeared into the links abyss of perfection.

If God loves us so much that he gave his Son to save us and then forgives us, and also gives us power to live life now, plus he has gone to prepare a special place for us, don’t you think he deserves to be worshipped and made the priority?Life offers great memories that are to be treasured and appreciated, but spiritual experiences run deeper. C.S. Lewis wrote, “Our Father refreshes us on the journey with some pleasant inns but will not encourage us to mistake them for home.” Golf trips to Scotland, hole-in-ones, a lovely landscape, and wonderful times with family and friends are all refreshing, but they are not meant to fulfill totally while we are here.

What about those refreshing spiritual experiences in our faith journey? Some of these come at the most unexpected times. Recently for me, one occurred at Links Fellowship meeting. The recent Links Players study guide for the devotion, “A Good Solid Why,” really impacted me as we discussed why we study together, and why we serve, and why we worship God. Oh, there were the obvious reasons: We want to get better, and we want our worship to be more meaningful. We want that peace that God offers. But what about this answer as to why: He deserves it.

If God loves us so much that he gave his Son to save us and then forgives us, and also gives us power to live life now, plus he has gone to prepare a special place for us, don’t you think he deserves to be worshipped and made the priority? This lesson really impacted me as I reflected on what God has done for me. I was lost, and he found me. I was dead in my sins, and he gave me new life and washed me clean. He filled me with power through the Spirit. Worship? I sure think so. He deserves it!

Randy Wolff
October 1, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Angela Granger from FreeImages

Links Players
Pub Date: October 1, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.