< Daily Devotions

A Weight Off Your Shoulders

July 30, 2019

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:11, NIV)

Show up. Keep up. Shut up.

That was the job description for caddies on tour for years, as players just wanted someone to carry their bag. As the sport has grown, the role has expanded. In the case of Jordan Spieth, he now answers all media questions with “we,” indicating he and caddie Michael Greller are a team. And in the case of Dustin Johnson, he has created a family atmosphere with his looper. (Literally. His brother Austin is on his bag.)

My life has evolved in a similar fashion. In my 20s and 30s, I didn’t think I needed any help charting my course, so those trying to get close were brushed off like so many caddies in the parking lot looking for work. Now that I’m maturing, I realize and appreciate the value of a “soul caddie.”

I had just finished my morning prayer of gratitude but still felt a sense of unease when I received a text from Chico.Take last Thursday for instance. I had met with a friend named Chico two days prior for a mentoring session. We talked about what’s happening in each of our lives, and he gave me scripture verses to ponder while on the beach with my family over the weekend.

As I woke Thursday, I was anxious about my upcoming fundraising tournament, a Links Players retreat we’re planning, and this devotion, which was due that day. I had just finished my morning prayer of gratitude but still felt a sense of unease when I received the following text from Chico. Unsolicited.

Drew, you and Warren have a safe flight. Enjoy this weekend with your family. Remember God is in charge of Links, The Hammy (tournament), and the retreat. Love Susan well. Love your kiddos and have a blast. God is good.

It was like a shot of serenity direct to my veins. Left to myself I was succumbing to fear and worry, but with words of encouragement from a friend, I now felt “the peace of God guarding my heart and mind” (Philippians 4:7).

A golf caddie is a luxury one should experience sometime. You might find someone carrying your clubs to be worth the added expense, as it’s nice to walk a course without the weight of your bag.

For me, a soul caddie is a necessity. Having someone help “carry my burdens” (Galatians 6:2) removes the weight of the world.

Drew Hamilton
July 30, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Drew Hamilton
Pub Date: July 30, 2019

About The Author

After gaining experience in business, nonprofit leadership, and small group ministry, Drew Hamilton began as North Texas region director for Links Players in 2018.