< Daily Devotions

In or Out

February 11, 2019

We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:8, NIV)

By now, you are becoming familiar with all the new rules of golf that were added or changed for 2019. Even here in Southern California, where we’re able to play a lot this time of year, questions keep coming up. But there’s one question that’s outrunning them all: in or out?

If you’ve had a chance to play lately, you probably know what I mean. It’s a question we used to ask when a player’s ball was on the collar of the green or maybe a little farther off. Now we’re asking it all the time. Do you want the flagstick in, or don’t you? The idea of allowing the flag in while putting was part of the USGA’s goal to make play faster. For me, all this asking and answering seems to be slowing things down. And I love fast play.

There is quite a bit of research and opinion out there about whether it is better to take the flag out or leave it in. For others, it’s a matter of preference—what fits their eye? And most of us are still experimenting. So I’m not going to tell you what to choose. I just want you to be quick at doing it!

On a much bigger matter, a similar two-sided question was first presented to me when I was a teenager. It was this: Do you want to go to heaven or not?

Just like investigating if you should leave the flagstick in or out, why not do the same if you are not sure whether you are going to spend eternity with Jesus?I had lost my mom at an early age, so I understood the meaning of death. And when I was told that the decision I made in this life would determine what would happen after I died, I knew I needed to answer that big question. I wanted to be in, to go to heaven. And it was today’s verse that sealed the deal for me. I wanted to see my mom in heaven, and the Lord offered that promise.

The apostle Paul, who wrote this passage, was not afraid to die because he was confident he was going to spend eternity with Jesus Christ. The Bible prepares us for eternity. Maybe you have heard a great acronym for BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.” Basic and base have the same root. Even the biggest buildings are built on a simple base. Without it, they fall down. The Bible isn’t a nice little book, it’s basic—it’s the base on which life, including eternal life, is built. And in it we read that eternity receives us when we give our hearts and lives to Jesus.

Just like investigating if you should leave the flagstick in or out, why not do the same if you are not sure whether you are going to spend eternity with Jesus? Those of you that have made that commitment, praise God! I hope you encourage your friends to investigate eternity, because I know you want them to be home with the Lord alongside you.

Billy Graham preached, “Is your hope in Christ? Death is a reality—but so is God’s offer of salvation in Christ. Don’t put off your decision for him, because you could be called into eternity at any moment—and then it will be too late.” It’s a strong message calling for a critical decision, but it’s a decision you can’t afford not to make.

Dereck Wong
February 11, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: February 11, 2019

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.