< Daily Devotions

Fan or Follower?

January 8, 2019

Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.” (Luke 9:23, NLT)

As the new year begins, the PGA Tour starts again in Hawaii then moves to California (my region!). Like a lot of Links Players, you are probably a great fan of golf who follows certain players on the PGA, LPGA, Champions, and Web.com tours.

But a fan is far from a player.

We have a Links Player in our region who has been coming to one of our Links Fellowships for more than six years. All this time, he has been trying diligently to get his PGA Tour card. Over the years he would miss the cut by a stroke or two. He would then go play on the different tours available to him, which were in Latin America and Asia. He prayed faithfully and continued to persevere. Then this year he did it. He qualified to play the Web.com Tour for 2019. Congratulations, Paul Imondi!

Paul told me recently that he is ready to be a disciple of Christ on the PGA Tour. What has prepared him is the growth in his walk with Christ developed through the adversity he has endured. Gaining perseverance, he is ready for the opportunity that has been given to him.

Today’s scripture reminded me of when I wanted to be successful in business and I did it my way. When the challenges came my way one day, I had to fall on my knees and submit to the Lord, saying, “I need you and want to follow your ways.” My life verse became Matthew 6:33, and I began to seek God first.

I cannot tell you how much I love to hear it when someone tells me, “I checked it out, and I’m so glad I did!”For so many years, I was only a fan. I accepted Christ into my heart at 15 years old and would read the Bible occasionally. But I was a CEO Christian—Christmas and Easter Only. Then adversity hit my life, and I realized that things were not working my way. I needed to get serious about my faith and follow Jesus.

Maybe some of you are thinking the same as we move into 2019. Can my life be different? Am I willing to give up the controls to God? A pastor friend of mine often asked, “When did you accept Christ?” And then he would next ask, “When did you begin to follow Christ?” I’m sure you can see that these are not the same question. The second suggests that we are willing to take our faith to another level—from fan to follower, from decider to disciple.

I made the choice to move up 35 years ago. I gave up my own ways and took up the cross Christ had for me. I have not looked back since. This year, 2019, might be the time when you make the same decision.

This new life isn’t something you have to live alone. Links Fellowships and local churches are communities where others will support you in your decision and its life-changing ramifications. The Links Players website is also full of encouraging resources to ignite your faith.

Through the years, I’ve told so many guys to just come once and check out our Fellowship. “We don’t take attendance, and you can decide for yourself whether to come back,” I assure them. But I cannot tell you how much I love to hear it when someone tells me, “I checked it out, and I’m so glad I did!”

Discipleship is a commitment. It may demand new efforts from you. But I have confidence that you will almost certainly not regret it.

Dereck Wong
January 8, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: January 8, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.