< Daily Devotions

A Christmas Poem

December 24, 2018

’Twas the day before Christmas
And all ’round the course
Stood white stakes and pine trees
And well-tangled gorse

Still the golfers lined up
Their carts at the ready
Hoping their drives would be straight
And their putting strokes steady

The pro gave instructions,
The starter handed out keys
And before one could say, “Birdie!”
They were off to their tees

A scramble this was,
To curb expectations,
And perhaps to create
Some holiday elations

But a surprise was in store
When snow started to fall
Now good luck it would take
To find a little white ball!

Yet the beautiful thing
About this game gone amiss
Was how it reminded their hearts
Of the real Christmas

For Jesus, we’re told,
Came to seek and to save
To give bread to the poor
And unshackle the slave

It wouldn’t be easy
The will of God for His Son
To die on the cross
For each sinful one

On this snowy day
The golfers finally gave in
They rode to the clubhouse
Thinking no one would win

But when they arrived
Snowflakes lighting their hair
Singing carolers awaited
In fine festive wear

Their voices were lifting
A song of true praise
To the New Covenant Savior,
To the Ancient of Days

With the words of the angels,
“Peace on the earth”
Sung richly, sung sweetly
On the night of Christ’s birth

Jesus has come
To save all who believe
Be they golfers or not
Pained tears He’ll relieve

Wherever you’re spending
This Christmas, my friend
To your joys He’ll add laughter
To your sorrows He’ll tend

So lift up your voice
Sing with the brothers
Pray with the sisters
Dance with the mothers

Give the gift of your love
To your daughters, your sons
Reach out to your neighbor
Serve hurting ones

For the star is still shining
It’s shining through you
As you tell those close by
“Dear friends, it’s all true!”

Jeff Hopper
December 24, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: December 24, 2018

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.