< Daily Devotions

Encouraged and Rejoicing

September 24, 2018

So when they were sent away, they went down to Antioch; and having gathered the congregation together, they delivered the letter. When they had read it, they rejoiced because of its encouragement. (Acts 15:30-31, NASB)

My parents and my sister were my early encouragers in golf. Mom and Dad played weekly, so they understood what I was telling them after a tournament. They would listen to my blow-by-blow, hole-by-hole accounts and empathize with each missed putt or bad break. When I look back over my career as a PGA professional, I’d have to say that my family played a major part not only in my days as a junior golfer but in my whole life around the game. Maybe youth really are impressionable!

For all that encouragement, though, I find that I still go through times where I am disheartened. And I’m guessing you know what I am talking about. When our best plans and most diligent efforts don’t seem to be producing what we expect or desire, we can grow weary, even in a good work.

Sometimes, it only takes one person to hear the Links Players story and spread it around their club!I’ll admit this was happening for me recently when it came to helping others get Links Fellowships started at their clubs. That is my role with Links Players, and I love the possibilities for change that each new Fellowship represents. But when a Fellowship is slow in taking root (or never gets going at all), I wonder if maybe I’m not doing it right.

But recently I visited our Onion Creek Links Fellowship in Austin, Texas. Dick and Pat Smith, along with PGA Professional Lonny Alexander, started the group this year. They have a Friday morning study with Onion Creek members and go through the weekly Links Players Bible study. I loved seeing how everyone was prepared for the lesson and how they each made notes of the weekly prayer requests.

After leaving Onion Creek, I dropped by three area Austin country clubs. At one of these, some old friends introduced me to the member relations director. She was excited to learn about Links Players and by the time I left, she had me excited about starting a new Links Fellowship at Lost Creek. God was reminding me that he is in charge. All he needs is one person to recognize the benefit of having a Fellowship at their club.

My last stop of the day was at The Hills Country Club in Lakeway. The head professional came up with a member he believed would be interested in having a Links Fellowship at The Hills. Another bit of encouragement. Sometimes, it only takes one person to hear the Links Players story and spread it around their club!

I don’t want this devotion to turn into a recruitment tool, but I do want to share my encouragement with you, because it may become your encouragement, too. Whether we have staff on the ground where you are, we can help you get started. As the believers in Antioch were encouraged and rejoiced in the letter from the elders in Jerusalem, I’d love to talk to you in a year and hear you rejoicing over a new Fellowship where you play golf.

Bill Euler
September 24, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: September 24, 2018

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