< The Nineteenth

Seeking Earnest Seekers

April 11, 2018


As Links Players, it’s part of our mission to share the Good News of Jesus with those we meet, especially on the course or in our club. But how do we know who’s willing to listen? A new article by Jeff Hopper, Seeking Earnest Seekers, helps us identify ears that will hear. Check out this excerpt, then read the whole article for eight things to keep in mind when finding those who will listen. It’s here

Perhaps some time ago, you gained permission to leave some Links Players magazines on a table in the locker room where you play golf. One morning you walk in to see a member you know by name sitting in one of those leather chairs where the TV replays yesterday’s tour rounds. He has the magazine in his hands and is reading with apparent interest. You say, “Hi Pete, what are reading?”


It’s true. A lot of guys might be hesitant to answer, especially if they’ve come to the part of an article where a player explains their relationship with Jesus. You might get something like this, “Oh, just a magazine that was lying here.”


But if this story took the shape of Acts 8, your member friend might say, “This magazine where everybody keeps talking about their religion. I don’t know what to make of it.” This might be the answer of someone who is willing to talk more, especially if you were to say, “Well, I’m the one who put the magazine there. I’d be happy to tell you what I know about where they’re coming from.”


Links Players
Pub Date: April 11, 2018

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.