< Daily Devotions

Waste Land to Promise Land | Ted Scott – Who’s Your Caddie?

March 14, 2025

…because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. (John 16:6-7, ESV)

I’m always amazed that golf aficionados can remember which player won what major, in so-in-so year, and by how much. Who has that kind of mental bandwidth to store all that golf trivia in their cognitive file drawers?

Even those with difficulty memorizing names, events, and dates can remember a few remarkable moments from golf’s rich history. Who could ever forget Jack’s ’86 Masters? Vern’s call, “Yes, Sir!” captured it all!

It’s a whole new level when you meet someone who also knows the caddies. If asked, this guy can rattle off the name of Tiger’s longtime caddie, Steve Williams. If pressed, he can quickly give you the name of Freddie Couple’s sidekick, Joe LaCava.

If he can name Jack’s caddie from the early years, you’ve got a bona fide golf nerd. His name was Angelo Argea—I had to look it up.

In recent years, a few caddies are virtually household names: Jim “Bones” Mackay, Mike “Fluff” Cowan, and the late Bruce Edwards. All these caddies had front-row seats to some of the most iconic moments in golf.

If we’re looking for a caddie who has recently made headlines, look no further than Ted “Teddy” Scott. As many know, he caddied for Bubba and Scottie during their four Masters victories!

Even those outside the golfing world heard about how much money Ted made caddying for Scottie in 2024. Commentators repeatedly fixated on the fact that he made more than many of the players.

However, to truly understand Ted Scott, one realizes that this is far from his priority. Deeper than his love for his family is his passion for Christ Jesus. It is evident to anyone paying attention that Ted walks with Christ. Ted desires to “hear Christ’s voice.”

I don’t know about you, but when someone mentions “hearing God,” I feel compelled to dig deeper. I need to “look under the hood” to understand what they mean. After all, more than a few knuckleheads have heard God tell them to do this or that.

In this case, Ted aligns with those throughout church history who acknowledge that God has spoken. It is common knowledge among Christians that God has communicated who he is, who we are, where we came from, where we are going, what he expects of us, and what he has done for us—most significantly, the giving of His Son in substitutionary death so that we might be forgiven! And He has revealed all of this in Scripture!

But Ted also recognizes—as we should—that the Holy Spirit has to supernaturally open our minds and hearts to understand what is being revealed. Sadly, people who can cite chapter and verse far too often fail to know the author and grasp its meaning.

God has blessed his church with leaders—namely, pastors, teachers, and preachers—who guide us in correctly interpreting the text. Whether they share God’s word directly or reason with us from Scripture, when they remain faithful to the text, we hear Jesus speaking by his Spirit!

Using a simple golf metaphor, Ted compares the voice of the Holy Spirit to that of a caddie who advises, encourages, and warns us. Ted clearly understands the vast chasm between God and a caddie, yet he aims to remind us that the Holy Spirit is given to guide us on our journey from the Waste Land to the Promised Land.

Are you looking for guidance?  If so, abide in Scripture and linger, asking the Spirit to “make it real” in your heart!

Prayer: Spirit of Christ! Open my heart to hear your voice in Scripture.

Dennis Darville
Pub Date: March 14, 2025

About The Author

Dennis Darville has enjoyed a diverse professional background. His professional background includes campus ministry, golf management, Seminary VP, and the Pastorate. He currently serves as Links Southeast Director and Links Senior Editor.