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Fishing and Faith

February 26, 2025
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And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17, NASB)

The golf courses where I play in the Coachella Valley are wonderfully nestled amongst the natural beauty of the Santa Rosa Mountains. For those with eyes to see, it is evident that God’s hand is in the entire experience.

The man-made lakes are full of fish lurking below the surface, unaware of a lone player out in the evening playing golf, carrying a fishing rod in his golf cart.  In between shots, he throws an occasional cast of his favorite lure into the deep to see if there is a nibble and to feel the joy of reeling in the catch.

A different type of fishing takes place in the Bible as Jesus called  Peter, Andrew, and James (the son of Zebedee) to drop their nets and follow him. Without hesitation, they did and became disciples of Christ.

Their vocation and way of life were left behind to begin a new journey with a higher calling. I imagine they smelled like fish, and while their aroma was not that sweet physically, a new aroma was building inside them as they followed Jesus.

Paul writes to the church in Ephesus while in a Roman prison. He realized that the churches he helped start needed his advice, encouragement, and correction.  This intel likely came from the visitors who came to visit and help him in Rome.

His instructions to the church described how the light of Christ should manifest itself in household relationships and the community. They needed to remember that God intended to unify all things under Christ’s authority.

Paul also assures believers that their hope is secure because the same power that raised Christ from the dead is the power that will sustain them in all situations.

“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” (Ephesians 5: 1-2)

Paul prays that all believers understand the great scope of God’s work and reflect that understanding in their countenances and lifestyles as they bring the Good News of Jesus to the world.

A good friend with an amazing gift of generosity possesses the spiritual fragrance described in Ephesians. His struggle with Parkinson’s disease has not changed his heart, humble character, or desire to spread the Good News.

He is an excellent example of how God changed his heart from a cattleman by vocation to a fisher of men. He lives out the LINKS acronym daily and understands God’s work’s grand scope.

So, the next time you play, do a little “fishing” (of men or women). You might get a nibble and change someone else’s countenance to reflect Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, lead us to believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and to be bold in our witness of you.  Make us a reflection of Christ so that people we meet say, “There is something different about you.”

Chris Hermann
Pub Date: February 26, 2025

About The Author

On staff with LPI since 2022, Chris Hermann served on the National LINKS Board and is now Southwest Region Director. When not working as a Landscape Architect, Chris enjoys playing golf and leading the LINKS study at his home club The Palms.

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