One who gets wisdom loves his own soul; One who keeps understanding will find good. (Proverbs 19:8, NASB)
I attend numerous Links Fellowships each week and receive a lot of wisdom from my fellow struggling brothers. This wisdom comes in a way that is not only profound but delightful as well. The humor in their wisdom often points us to a better way as we learn from the experiences and stories of others.
I love the ministry of Young Life, a ministry to kids in high school. They make it fun. They also make it real. They use humor to point the kids to Jesus. Their founder, Jim Rayburn, said, “It is a sin to bore someone with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” I agree.
Humor may point us all to the most important message we will ever receive—we are sinners in need of God’s glorious grace through Jesus alone.
So, as I attend these various fellowships, I hear wisdom revealed through humor as well as absolute truth. The following are just a few of the words of wisdom I hear that illuminate God’s truth. Hold on. Lighten up and enjoy this.
The author’s name in each case is withheld, but they are real, and they struggle, yet they all know the truth that our hope is in Jesus!
- I may not be much, but I am all I think about.
- Life and sanctification are like the road to Corsicana, Texas; it is always under construction.
- You can’t fix the things in your head with the things in your head.
- Let go or be dragged.
- You can’t fix a problem you didn’t create.
- What people think about me is none of my business.
- If I drop a cookie on the floor and reach down to pick it up, I’m counting that as a squat.
- You can tell more about a Christian by looking at what he does in his front yard than what he does on Sunday morning.
- Common sense is like deodorant; the ones who need it the most don’t use it.
- Dear Lord, render us ignorant enough to learn something important.
- The closer I get to the router, the better the signal.
- As good as I was, I was not that good.
- Never trust an electrician with no eyebrows.
- When you are young, you resemble your parents. When you are old, you resemble your habits.
- You can retire from that for which you have been hired, but you can never retire from that for which you were bought with a price.
- I was once a hopeless sinner. Now, I’m a hopeful one.
- We always try to suck up to God when we are in a ditch. Maybe the ditch is there for a reason.
I hope you will see the wisdom in these quotes. I see so clearly the value of community as we glean stories, humor, and spiritual truths from all types of men and women in our quest to know God more intimately.
“Iron sharpens iron,” and their words encourage me to stay on the trail with Jesus. Our community affirms that we all struggle and need a little encouragement along the way.
That trail gets steep and hard to climb at times, but keep going. We may get increasingly tired, but we will also be closer and closer to Thee. Thank you, Jesus, for the people you send our way.
Prayer – Jesus, thank you for teaching us in so many ways. I love the thought of you smiling with us.