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Advice from a Pro?

September 18, 2023
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Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

He was known for his quick wit and funny one-liners, such as:

  • My swing is so bad I look like a caveman killing his lunch
  • The older I get, the better I used to be
  • If Jack Nicklaus had to play my tee shots, he couldn’t break 80. He’d be a pharmacist with a string of drugstores in Ohio.

And one of my favorites of his was when asked by an amateur, “Hey Lee, what can I do to improve my game?” Lee said, “Take two weeks off, then quit!”

If you have played golf for a while, you know there is a little truth to what Lee Trevino meant as a friendly jab.

Sometimes, our games improve with a little rest or “sabbatical” from the game.  We tend to forget the things we don’t need to remember and begin to remember the simple things that help us play and score better.

When Jesus addressed the crowds in a town called Capernaum, he told them to bring him all their burdens and heavy loads, and he would give them rest.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in this fast-paced life that we fail to take a necessary “sabbatical” or rest, which is essential and beneficial for the recharging needed for a good, productive life.

Spiritual discipline is important and of utmost importance; however, physical condition and physical discipline still matters.  (1 Timothy 4: 7-8)

I recently hosted some Links guys on a special golf trip and left my phone charger at home.  For about 18 hours, I had no access to WIFI, voice messages, or email.  I was literally off the grid (thankfully I had printed my boarding passes), and when I eventually got a power source and a cord to charge up, I actually felt energized from the absence of technology.

So how are you doing in bringing your burdens, cares, and heavy loads to Jesus?  He cares for you and wants to walk with you on this journey. There are times he provides us with rest to restore, heal and recharge; to lay aside worry and stress, to surrender everything to him and we should be thankful for those times and accept it with grateful hearts.

Maybe Lee was partially correct in his advice.  Perhaps he left off a line or two?  What if he would have said to the amateur, “Take two weeks off and quit…quit your complaining, quit your whining, quit thinking negatively, and begin thanking, trusting, surrendering, following, serving and allow Jesus to carry your heavy loads as you walk in step with His Spirit”.  Then you can be a productive disciple of His!   And it might even help your golf game a bit too!

What burdens are you carrying today that you need to cast on Jesus?

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being everything we need and your willingness to take all of our burdens, worry and heavy loads.

Jose Alvarez
Pub Date: September 18, 2023

About The Author

Jose Alvarez became the 4th oldest rookie in baseball history in 1988, with the Atlanta Braves at 32. He pitched five seasons in the major leagues sporting a lifetime ERA of 2.99 and a batting of .273. After baseball, he served 15 years on the PGA’s Korn Ferry Tour with FCA’s Golf Ministry. An avid golfer, Jose was the Senior Club Champion at Legacy Pines for three consecutive years from 2019 - 2021. Married to Michelle for 41 years, they have three adult children, two granddaughters, and two grandsons. They make their home in Greenville, SC.

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