< Daily Devotions

Questions to Answer Questions?

July 26, 2023

As evening came, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let’s go to the other side of the lake. (Mark 4:35, NLT)

We’ve all heard, seen, or even been them. The golfer who dresses like a pro, claims to be a 5, and plays like a 20. The exception is the golfer that claims to be a 14 and then shoots 73-72 in a member-guest tournament.

Recently I was introduced to someone who happened to be interested in attending one of our Links Fellowships. After a few minutes, the man asked, “What’s your handicap.” Always enjoying a bit of humor, I said, “Are we betting, or are we bragging.”  We both chuckled, and our conversation continued with him setting up a time to join us at one of our Links Fellowships.

Later my wife asked why I didn’t tell him my handicap without the “betting or bragging remark.”

She’s heard all my jokes before but just didn’t understand the “why” behind the words. My son, who was with us, mentioned it’s just a funny saying among guys, to which I agreed.  She still didn’t get it, but that’s ok; she doesn’t get most of my funny dad jokes.

As you read scripture, many times, people would ask Jesus a question, and he would respond with a question.  Not always, but often.  Sometimes it was in response to religious leaders trying to trap him, and other times it was with those following him or with him.

In Mark 4.  Jesus had already told the disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side.”

Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?”

Jesus woke up; he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

What a question! Jesus responded with a question after he calmed the storm with a question “Where is your faith”?  I sometimes wonder if the disciples missed out on a great ride on the waves, better than any amusement park ride could offer, because they lacked the faith to believe they were going to the other side. They didn’t believe.

Where does your belief meter stop?  Has your instructor said to keep working on the little things, and your game will improve?  What are you asking God for that seems to get no answer?

The storm was out of the disciple’s control but not Jesus’. There may be things (storms) out of your control that you need to surrender to him, who is in control of all things—health, finances, children, spouse, career, and even that elusive, often wandering little white or optic yellow golf ball.

Have you been given some instruction from someone that will help you but rather than trust and believe, we worry, stress, and allow fear to rule in our hearts?

Do you find it interesting that after Jesus calmed the winds and the sea, the disciples asked each other, “Who is this man?  If you are asking that same question, perhaps like the disciples in the boat, you have been hanging out with Him, but now it’s time to not just know about him but to really know Him. Because when you know Him, you will fully trust Him.

Reread Mark 4: 35-41. Maybe it’s your time to Trust, Believe, Surrender, and let Jesus calm your storms.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being the only one who can calm life’s storms. Help me to Trust, Believe, and Surrender to You in and out of storms.

Jose Alvarez
Pub Date: July 26, 2023

About The Author

Jose Alvarez became the 4th oldest rookie in baseball history in 1988, with the Atlanta Braves at 32. He pitched five seasons in the major leagues sporting a lifetime ERA of 2.99 and a batting of .273. After baseball, he served 15 years on the PGA’s Korn Ferry Tour with FCA’s Golf Ministry. An avid golfer, Jose was the Senior Club Champion at Legacy Pines for three consecutive years from 2019 - 2021. Married to Michelle for 41 years, they have three adult children, two granddaughters, and two grandsons. They make their home in Greenville, SC.