< Daily Devotions

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

July 13, 2023

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalm 34:18)

It’s so hard to know what to say sometimes. When someone in my group hits a truly awful golf shot, I usually do one of two things: 1) say nothing at all, 2) say something like, “I’m familiar with that.”

There are times on the golf course when I do not want an encouraging word. I simply want time to get over the horror show that just took place and try to, as my dad would say, “stop the bleeding.”

Golf hurts; there’s no question about it. But what if someone in your life suffers a profound loss or disappointment? A devastating health diagnosis, loss of a loved one, loss of a job. What do you say in those moments?

Sometimes the best thing to do first is to acknowledge the pain. So often, it seems that in our rush to offer that word of encouragement or “chin up” mentality, we skip over the hurt.

A friend recently texted these words after my husband, and I received some tough news: “Praying for you and Ben. Sitting with you in disappointment and heartbreak. I love you.”

Can I tell you how perfect that was? The Psalmist says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Broken hearts are part of living on this side of heaven. Thankfully, we know the mender of hearts, but it’s OK to be sad.

After all, the Bible tells us that even Jesus wept.

It’s possible for Christ-followers to do two things at once: Keep an eternal and grateful perspective while still grieving a loss.

The more we experience loss in this life, hopefully, the more knowledgeable we become in helping others to cope.

Allow your friends time to grieve, and then walk alongside them as they press on in hope, laying their burdens at the feet of Jesus.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

PRAYER: Father God, we thank you for the hope of eternity. We thank you that even in our darkest hours, you walk alongside us and comfort us. Help us to meet the needs of those in our lives who are hurting.

Beth Ann Nichols
Pub Date: July 13, 2023

About The Author

Beth Ann Nichols played collegiate golf at Florida Southern College and has covered the game for Golfweek since 2002. She’s especially stoked about a recent birthday gift: her first push cart.