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Caddies and Good Advice

June 26, 2023
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Without counsel, plans fail, but with many advisers, they succeed. (Proverbs 15:22, ESV)

There is no doubt that tour caddies have helped read many difficult putts for their pros. After all, the caddies spend more time walking the course and studying the greens than the pros do.

The McGladrey TV commercials with Davis Love III and his caddy are hilarious! If you’ve not watched them, pull them up on YouTube. They’ll make you laugh out loud!

Tour caddies do much more than tote the bag around the course. They are constantly providing encouragement as well as wise counsel.

The president of the United States has cabinet members as well as a team of senior advisers to help him with the huge decisions that need to be made daily. Not so sure the presidents always take their advice, but that’s a different devotional!

I can’t imagine navigating the golf course of life without a good caddy or caddies. When faced with challenging situations or decisions, good counsel from close friends or family greatly increases your chances of success!

The counsel of others will give you needed perspective and, often, give you options you would have never thought of on your own. We were never meant to be alone in this world. (Genesis 2:18)

God gave Adam a helper right from the beginning, and I can speak from experience that I would have made some wonderfully stupid decisions without my wife there to knock some sense into my thick skull. I’ve also depended on many wise friends who’ve helped me “read the greens” in life!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reminds us that “Two are better than one.” As we face the coming storms, let’s not forget to call on our caddies!

Prayer: Lord, thank you for my wife, family, and friends who are always there to counsel. Please help me to be a wise counselor to my family and friends.

Keith Rushing
Pub Date: June 26, 2023

About The Author

Keith Rushing is a retired businessman, husband, dad, and grandad who loves the Lord, loves teaching, and plays golf as often as he can.

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