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The Connected Swing

May 3, 2023
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I am the vine; you are the branches.  Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Have you had at least one shot in golf when you were so connected, the timing precise, alignment spot on, and the contact felt so pure and solid?  Regardless of the outcome of things beyond your control, an unseen gust of wind, a bad hop, or the ball finishing in a divot, you hit it pure.  Those of us that had the pleasure of playing with persimmon woods and balata golf balls may recall the unique feeling that’s only produced by that beautiful combination.

According to an article by Precision Golf Swing about “Staying Connected in the Golf Swing”; “The golf swing is one of the most complex movements in sports. There are many components involved in hitting a golf ball, including balance, body alignment, grip strength, tempo, rhythm, timing, and much more. Connecting all those parts into a seamless motion requires practice and repetition.

A connected golf swing provides the best chance of delivering power, accuracy, and consistency to every shot. If you want to improve your game, you must connect the dots. A connected golf swing means your body, arms, and hands move in unison.”

As in golf, your life may have had those moments when you felt like you were navigating well, and life seemed to be going in the direction you were aiming for.  Staying balanced, aligned properly, having a good life tempo, and carefully holding the things that mattered most. As a follower of Jesus, this requires remaining connected to the power source.

Before his ascension Jesus said He was sending us the Comforter; The Holy Spirit and He (the Spirit) would empower us to be His witnesses.

When we are abiding in Christ and unhindered by the weight of sin which so easily entangles us (Hebrews 12: 1&2), and allowing His Spirit to live through us, we are likely to have better alignment, tempo, balance, and power as we navigate life in this broken world.

Imagine trying to water your grass with a crimp in your garden hose.  You may be connected to the water source; however, it will not flow very well. When we are abiding in the true vine, it produces a life of peace and joy, even when the outcomes aren’t what we desire.

As in golf, we experience life with bad bounces (cancer), unfilled divots(rebellious children), gusts of wind (homes damaged by hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes), and unrepaired ball marks (marriage and other relationships in a mess).

What’s in your control that is keeping you out of balance, misaligned, gripping the wrong things, or anxious in your tempo? Maybe you need a friend to help you with a checkup or maybe there’s a friend that needs your help.

We believe there’s a God that cares and knows what you are experiencing, and He wants us to remain in Him and trust His sovereignty. If you haven’t got connected maybe today is a great day to begin this journey!  Trust what Jesus did on the cross to rescue your soul.  Allow His Spirit to have unhindered access to all your life and join Him in His great story and the journey of life He has given you. Consider sharing His message of hope with your family, your golf buddies, and your circle of friends.  It may have an eternal impact.

Are you connected to the power source?  What weights are entangling you?  Ask someone in your group how you might better keep your eyes on Jesus, the Champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

Prayer: Jesus, bind our wandering hearts to you!

Jose Alvarez
Pub Date: May 3, 2023

About The Author

Jose Alvarez became the 4th oldest rookie in baseball history in 1988, with the Atlanta Braves at 32. He pitched five seasons in the major leagues sporting a lifetime ERA of 2.99 and a batting of .273. After baseball, he served 15 years on the PGA’s Korn Ferry Tour with FCA’s Golf Ministry. An avid golfer, Jose was the Senior Club Champion at Legacy Pines for three consecutive years from 2019 - 2021. Married to Michelle for 41 years, they have three adult children, two granddaughters, and two grandsons. They make their home in Greenville, SC.

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