< Daily Devotions

Doing Life Together

April 25, 2023
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Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, NIV)

A scramble format for any golf competition is a favorite of mine. It is typically a more relaxed environment with little to no pressure. Often it is for a great cause, such as fundraising of some kind.

Sure, everyone would like to do well, but it’s not the reason we are there. It is also an event where everyone has the opportunity to contribute. It usually builds camaraderie, is an encouraging environment, and often creates long-lasting memories. Playing golf as a team typically provides an environment that promotes building each other up.

What is true on the golf course, is even more critical in life. Many months back we had a Links Players Bible Study Series entitled “Why Links?” For several weeks LINKS Fellowship Groups discussed the importance of being involved in each other’s lives.

Where do we go to get our answers in life? Why do we have the conversations we do? What is our purpose, and how does golf relate to all of this? These were just some of the many questions we pondered for several weeks. During those weeks of discussion what we discovered, and were most appreciative for, is that we had each other to do life together.

Let’s face it, golf isn’t easy and neither is life. There are times of joy and celebration, and times of heartache and mourning. Times of health, and times of sickness. Times when marriage is easy, and times when it’s a challenge. Adult children and grandchildren that are on the right path, and others that have drifted. Life is like this for all of us, but oh how lonely and painful it would be to have to endure these seasons all alone.

We find comfort in knowing that within our Links Fellowship Groups, there isn’t anything we can’t share or discuss with each other. Why is that? Because God’s word has something to say about anything we may encounter in life. We gather together seeking to get our answers, direction, and encouragement for life, family, and marriage from the pages of scripture. Whether in a tee box, the 19th hole, a hospital, or in the clubhouses where we host our fellowships, we are doing life together.

If you love golf and you’re not in a Links Players Fellowship Group, prayerfully consider joining one. Come and get the support you need from others who love the game of golf, as well as the resources provided by LPI to do life with God and others.  Go to linksplayers.com to find a Fellowship near you.

Prayer: Father in heaven thank you for the blessing of being involved in Links Players. Thank you for the men and women who are doing life together.

Robert Dawson
Pub Date: April 25, 2023

About The Author

Rob Dawson's former professional career was in the Fire Service. Now retired, he has experience in and enjoys facilitating and assisting with start up LPI small groups. Rob is a Tucson Area Representative, and has been involved with LPI Fellowship groups since 2015. On staff with LPI since 2021.

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