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“It Would Be A Dream If….”

April 12, 2023
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…everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. (Isaiah 43:7)

When we read the word dream, many things can come to mind, but most likely, the main thing is what occurs during sleep. Meriam-Webster defines a dream as a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep. For this devotion, though, I’m not using that definition. (Hopefully, this devotion won’t put you to sleep!)

Golfers are dreamers. We have a golf-focused aspiration, an aim, or a goal. Like most golfers, I have dreams too. I dream of playing Augusta National one day. I dream of meeting Mr. Jack Nicklaus and thanking him for the 86’ Masters and its impact on me. I dream of being a plus handicap again. You get the idea.

This amazing game lends itself to dreamers. Maybe you dream of breaking 90, birdieing the #1 handicap hole of your club, or finally hitting it over the water on your nemesis hole. Both men and women golfers have aspirations that keep us striving and hoping.

What about the Christian, the Christ-follower, and the believer? Do we have dreams? Aspirations, goals, aims? Most certainly, we do, and we should. And I’d submit to each of you that the primary aspiration of every believer should be to glorify God and make much of Him. This is exactly why we were created. Not because God was lonely, bored, or missing something. We were created by Him and for Him.

“…everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.” (Isaiah 43:7)

We were created for His glory. We see this teaching in Scripture (Hebrews 2:10; Romans 11:36). So this should be our daily aspiration! A life that doesn’t bring Him glory is easy to identify. We know whether or not we are making much of Him in our daily activities. We don’t need any help diagnosing our sinfulness. For those in Christ, the Holy Spirit convicts us when we sin (John 16:8), and we praise God that He does.

I know when I don’t glorify Him, but how do I glorify Him? John Piper offers good counsel. “If God made us for his glory, it is clear that we should live for his glory. What does it mean to glorify God? It means that we love him, trust him, are thankful to him, and obey him.”

If I still dream and aspire to be a plus handicap, I must discipline myself to work on the areas that keep me from achieving that. To desire to bring great glory to the Lord Almighty, we must follow the scriptures and evaluate our lives accordingly. Do I love Him to the fullest? Do I truly trust Him or only believe in the concept? How thankful am I for who He is and all he has done for me? And does my obedience to him and his Word reflect a grateful heart that has been made new?

The Apostle Paul said to the church at Corinth, So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). Playing 18 holes with your buddies to the glory of God is a noble goal. Handling a difficult neighbor to the glory of God is tough but necessary. Treating the club’s staff with kindness to the glory of God is par for the course.

Prayer- Father, may my dreams and aspirations center on making your name known and making much of who you are in all your glory! Amen.

Joey Denton
Pub Date: April 12, 2023

About The Author

Joey Denton is the Area Director for the Carolinas. He has served the Lord as Pastor, Church Planter, Missionary, and in the golf industry. He played golf for the U. of South Carolina and is also a graduate of Southeastern Seminary. He and his family live in Gastonia, NC.

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