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Jesus Loves Short People Too

March 28, 2023
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“…He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” (Luke 19:5, ESV)

I have an amazing story. I had the opportunity to attend the Thursday round of The President’s Cup at Quail Hollow. It was a beautiful day. Our group arrived early. We enjoyed good food and fellowship and then went to the course.

The grandstands at the first tee were packed. So, I began walking down the first fairway.  The first green was surrounded, 5 and 6 deep, standing shoulder to shoulder.  I continued walking to the 2nd tee box, but that was no better. Then I proceeded to the 2nd green.

People were everywhere. I have been to professional tournaments before, but this was the first time I was challenged to find a spot where I could see the action.

Because I am short, standing behind rows of spectators 5 or 6 deep does me no good. I couldn’t see a thing.  My only hope was to walk ahead and wait.  I walked ahead three holes and found a good spot on the fairway of a short par 4, 100 yards from the green.  I stood in the wide open, on the rope, pretty much alone. Finally, I was going to have a decent view.

Gradually people began to gather. I was determined not to be crowded out of my precious 2’x2’ real estate. On the tee, I could see the golfers.  Scottie Scheffler’s drive landed 30 yards from me.

As he came nearer, I was impressed by his composure. He calmly went through his routine for his approach shot and landed the ball within 10 feet of the hole.  He handed his wedge to the caddy and then did the unexpected.

He began to walk directly toward me. As he approached, I figured he had recognized someone in the gallery, but his eyes were fixed on me.  He approached me and said, “Hello, John; I am glad you made it today. Let’s get together for dinner this evening.”

Are you kidding me?  He sought me out…and even wanted to have dinner with me. He doesn’t even know me. This can’t be happening!

Actually, it did not happen that way. I did say at the top that this was a “story.” It is true, except for the part about Scheffler coming to speak and inviting me to dinner.  (I give you credit that you did not believe it anyway.)

As impressive as this story would have been had it been true, there is an even more amazing story to tell that is true – a story of a divine appointment arranged before the foundation of the world—a story of a seeking Savior.

This is the story of Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector.  Scripture tells us he was curious about Jesus but could not see because of the crowd and his short stature. He improvised by running ahead and climbing a tree.

Imagine what he thought as Jesus stopped directly beneath him, looked up, called him by name, and said, “I must come to your house today.”  Zacchaeus hurried down and received him joyfully.  We can deduce by Zacchaeus’s words and actions (Luke 19: 8, ESV) that he is now saved. Also, Jesus clearly states, “Today, salvation has come to your house.”

Dear friends, this truly amazing story applies to every follower of Christ.  “I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.”

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10, ESV)

Dear God, thank You for seeking me out, saving me, and calling me by name as amazingly as you did, Zacchaeus.

John Whitehead
Pub Date: March 28, 2023

About The Author

John Whitehead is a native of eastern North Carolina. John is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill. He has worked for 39 years in agriculture. John and Angie, his wife of 40 years, have two children and two granddaughters. They reside in Williamston, NC.

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