< Daily Devotions

The Game Plan

March 21, 2023

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV.

Sometimes it only takes an individual or two to make a big difference. For example, consider playing in a scramble. Give me someone whose putter is red hot or whose wedge game is dialed in, and our team is probably in contention. Quite often, one or two people’s performance can provide a much better outcome for the team.

Although followers of Christ may often feel outnumbered compared to a culture that has turned away from God, we mustn’t fret. Scripture reminds us that we have always been the minority—a remnant. We are not the biggest, most prominent, or most influential, but we have a secret weapon.

What is it, one may ask? It is humbly seeking the Lord in prayer and turning from our sins. That is the formula for getting any nation healed by God. As followers of Christ, we can and must step in for our country. God, however, also wants us to understand that we cannot fool him. If we don’t first consider our behavior and how we are living, our prayers might fall on “deaf ears.” Our prayers for our nation and our personal petitions may be wasted without genuine repentance.

As Peter warns us, “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it starts with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17, NIV)

It would be wonderful to see a revival in our nation. It would bring joy to all of our hearts to see things change morally for the better in our communities, public schools, and government.

It’s important to remember that for God to heal our land, it doesn’t necessarily require the conversion of the President, Vice President, or any member of Congress. What it does require is for “his people,” followers of Christ, to walk each day humbly in obedience to him and then to intervene with fervent prayer for our nation.

We, the believing minority, can intervene on behalf of and for the non-believing majority through fervent prayer. A commitment to this game plan can get the job done.

Are you ready to seek positive change in our nation and culture? Well then, let’s get humble in our attitudes. Let’s be willing to take inventory of our own lives regarding any sin that needs to be dealt with. Let’s have hearts that are quick to confess and ready to repent. Let’s see what God will do when his people are willing to stick to his game plan.

Prayer: Father in heaven, we are so undeserving. Have mercy on us, Lord. Forgive us our sins. Heal our land in your name Jesus.

Robert Dawson
Pub Date: March 21, 2023

About The Author

Rob Dawson's former professional career was in the Fire Service. Now retired, he has experience in and enjoys facilitating and assisting with start up LPI small groups. Rob is a Tucson Area Representative, and has been involved with LPI Fellowship groups since 2015. On staff with LPI since 2021.