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Hall of Famers

December 14, 2022
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Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (Hebrews 12:1 NASB)

Did you know that the World Golf Hall of Fame is moving? It is possible that you do not know where it is currently located, so moving would not make a difference to you.

However, for those interested, the World Golf Hall of Fame will be relocating its physical presence and displays from St. Augustine, Florida, to Pinehurst, North Carolina, in 2024.

The move is mostly because visitor attendance has been diminishing over the years. They hope this move to Pinehurst and a new partnership with the United States Golf Association will boost fan interest.

It also does not hurt that the U.S. Open will be hosted at Pinehurst in 2024. In the future, it will enjoy a five to six-year rotation at this famed venue. It should be good for Pinehurst and the World Golf Hall of Fame.

One thing that will not change is the names of those who have already been enshrined as inductees. Their place in the hall, regardless of location, is secure.

Did you know that the Bible has a Hall of Faith? It is not official, but many theologians and Bible teachers refer to Hebrews, Chapter 11, as the Hall of Faith. The book of Hebrews is the only book of the Bible that we have no clue who authored it.

Despite that, it commands much respect as the book offers so much sound theology of making sense of the consistency of the Old Testament and New Testament and why there has always been a need for Jesus.

There are 17 “men of old” (which includes two women) whose faith is written about, specifically in this chapter. They are all noted for their belief in what God would do through their faithful actions.

None are noted for their strong, sincere conviction that God would do something great if they remained extra spiritual and attended worship services each week. They are registered there for taking action because taking action is a requirement of faith.

Believing that God can do something is not faith. Believing God will do what he promised gets us closer to the truth. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1), which causes action.

No golfer is revered merely for what they think or believe. Instead, those golfers who’ve made it to the Hall of Fame put their thinking and believing into action.

The same holds for people of faith in God’s promises. God honors those who put their beliefs into action.

Prayer – Father, I pray for the type of faith that acts upon your promptings and doesn’t just believe that “you can.”

Josh Nelson
Pub Date: December 14, 2022

About The Author

Josh Nelson represents Links Players in the Southeast, residing and working in the Atlanta area with his wife and two boys. In addition to leading several weekly Links Fellowships and supporting the other Fellowships in the area, Josh facilitates leadership and discipleship training for organizations and individuals, and has recently published his first book.

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