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An Instructive Moment

October 17, 2022
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Such is the one who stores up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. (Luke 12:21, ESV)

Recently, I was worried about our finances because I had just viewed the latest figures in our portfolio. I know I need to trust more and observe the sparrows and lilies of the field. Can you relate?

Then I moved on and reviewed a lesson for a Links Fellowship starting in thirty minutes which would be led by my good friend, Jeff. The lesson for discussion was entitled An Instructive Moment about Life in Ken Gire’s book Moments with The Savior. The text was from Luke 12.

The Bible says there was a rich man, and his land was very productive. He pondered what to do with all these goods and concluded that he needed to build bigger barns to store all the wealth he knew would continue. It was time to eat and drink and be merry. He had it made.

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“God, I know you are there. Please heal my friend and tell me what to do and how to pray!”
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So, God said to him, “You fool. This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?” (Luke 12:20, NASB)

I was reminded that I was worried about our finances a few minutes earlier. At that very moment, I received a text from Jeff’s wife. The text read, “Jeff has had a stroke and has a brain bleed and is soon to be care-flighted to a hospital in Dallas.”

What! “This very day your soul may be required of you!” I fell to my knees at my desk and cried out to God, “God, I know you are there. Please heal my friend and tell me what to do and how to pray!” I was in shock.

I got on the Zoom call with Jeff’s friends, and we fervently prayed. We also did the lesson about the instructive moment from Luke 12. This was now an instructive message for all of us. Just moments before the end of the Zoom call, my cell phone rings, and it is Jeff! Thank you, Jesus!

I held the phone close to the computer screen for all to hear Jeff’s words. He explained, “It was not a stroke, but I wrecked my bike and hit my head on the asphalt, which broke my helmet. I was unconscious for a few moments. I went to the hospital for many tests, and there was a brain bleed but no sign of stroke. I am a lousy bike rider and should be released later this afternoon.”

The next sound heard was a community sigh of relief for God saving Jeff from actual harm. We all prayed together, and it was a moment we will never forget.

I will be forever grateful for that day and our friend who will continue the journey with us. I will not worry about the size of my barns, but I will learn to trust more and value my journey in the moments Jesus has given us. Moments like this can be very instructive, and I am a slow learner.

Closing prayer – Jesus, we are grateful for giving us moments, not things, to build a life upon.

Pub Date: October 17, 2022

About The Author

Randy Wolff served for many years as a Links Players region director. Now retired, he has experience as a PGA Tour professional, businessman, and family man.

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